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Employment Law

OK to apply different discipline standards to new employees


If you classify employees as either permanent or probationary, you can apply different disciplinary standards to the different classifications. That’s true even if the employees perform the same job and violate the same rules …

Don’t post promotion opportunities? It’s time to reconsider


Think twice if your company relies on informal in-house recommendations to fill open positions. The courts look suspiciously on such “networking” promotions and land hard on employers that don’t post job openings …

Track all disciplinary actions to head off disparate-Treatment claims


When employees sue under the employment discrimination laws of Ohio, they often allege disparate treatment and try to show their employer treated members of their protected class (e.g., age, race, sex) more severely than other employees. The key to a good defense lies in tracking each and every disciplinary action when it occurs

Prompt action by management is key to winning hostile-Environment lawsuits


The Ohio Fair Employment Practices Act makes it illegal to subject employees to a racially hostile work environment. But not every hostile act does a lawsuit make. Much depends on management’s response to such hostility …

Melee in Medway: The Rough-and-Tumble World of Buckeye Banking


Security National Bank & Trust (SNB) is responsible for a manager who literally kicked a customer out of the Medway branch office, the Ohio Court of Appeals has ruled …

Immortal words of Imus end state employee’s career


A 60-year-old administrator in the state treasurer’s office was urged into retirement after she called a fellow worker a “nappy-headed ho” one week after radio personality Don Imus made the phrase famous …

Former comp bureau CFO faces prison time for kickbacks


Former Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation (BWC) CFO Terrence Gasper received a sentence of five years in federal prison for parceling out millions of dollars in agency investments in exchange for bribes …

Court: Constitution protects religious bulletin board messages


A federal government agency’s policy barring “items of religious preference” from agency bulletin boards is unconstitutional, the U.S. District Court, Southern District of Ohio ruled …

Injured Honda worker loses ADA suit


A Columbus inspection-repair worker lost his ADA lawsuit against Honda because his disability left him unsuited to work in the plant …

‘Chronic’ FMLA leave causing HR headaches


If you’re having trouble determining when you must grant FMLA leave to employees who suffer recurring health problems, you’re not alone. Nearly two-thirds of HR professionals say they’ve experienced such problems, leading to morale issues and productivity loss …