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Employment Law

Use common sense to judge length of leave


You’re not alone if you have struggled to decide how much time off to allow a dsabled eimployee. It’s one of HR’s trickiest issues …

Running background checks? Use conviction, not arrest, to exclude applicant


The Illinois Human Rights Act makes it illegal to discriminate on the basis of a previous arrest record or criminal history that has been expunged, sealed or impounded. However …

Call someone ‘sweetheart,’ she might call for a retaliation suit


Calling a female employee “honey” might not constitute sexual harassment, according to a recent federal ruling on a sexual-harassment case, but retaliating when someone complains about it will win you a ticket to court anyway …

Understanding religious accommodation in Illinois workplaces


Illinois mirrors America’s growing diversity in many ways. Today, mosques occupy old churches; co-workers wear burqas and yarmulkes; and some employees request “prayer breaks”  …

Prevent hostile-environment lawsuits: No teasing allowed


Many employees today are sensitive about their ethnic backgrounds, but may hesitate to report teasing or name-calling for fear of being seen as troublemakers. That means a lawsuit could be brewing …

How not to institute an arbitration clause


In light of recent California appellate court decisions addressing the enforceability of arbitration agreements, many employers may consider having employees sign one of these contracts. First, consider the following case …

Uniformity key to investigations that stand up in court


When it comes to employee complaints and how your organization responds to them, uniformity is the most important factor …

Preference for religion may be illegal discrimination, too


Religious discrimination need not be based on bias against an employee’s religion. The reverse is also possible …

Kaiser Permanente settles overtime suit for $9 million


Kaiser Foundation Health Plan recently paid $9 million to settle a class-action lawsuit alleging overtime violations. The mediated settlement …

U.S. Supreme Court asks solicitor general to review California law


The U. S. Supreme Court in May invited the U.S. solicitor general to file an amicus brief addressing whether the National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) pre-empts a California law …