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Employment Law

Before discharge, investigate supervisor’s claims


If you don’t want to subject your organization to liability for a supervisor’s biased or discriminatory discipline recommendations, conduct at least a brief independent investigation …

Establish promotion criteria to discourage lawsuits


If your organization is like many, employees anxious to move up the ladder covet promotions. But if you have no clear-cut standards or easy-to-explain criteria, lawsuits lurk behind every unqualified, but passed-over, employee …

Judge to Del Monte: Prepare for discovery south of the border


Mexican workers who worked for Del Monte Fresh Produce, Inc., have filed a class-action suit alleging the company violated the Fair Labor Standards Act when it failed to properly pay the workers their wages …

Does FMLA cover ‘Emotional care’ of spouse in ICU?


Q We have an employee whose wife is in a hospital intensive-are unit. The employee has asked for FMLA leave. Is this an FMLA-eligible reason, even though the employee isn’t providing "care" as the law requires?

Make sure you can track when downsizing decision was made


Employees suddenly confronted with unpleasant alterations in their duties, responsibilities or schedules may look for reasons to avoid making the change …

Not all workplace affairs create a hostile environment


While they may make other employees uncomfortable and probably shouldn’t be encouraged, affairs between co-workers (or even between supervisors and subordinates) don’t always mean the rest of the work force is laboring in a hostile work environment …

Strong ‘No violence’ policy relies on enforcement

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Medical assessments should stick to the job, not generalities


If the ability to perform certain physical tasks is absolutely essential to one of the jobs in your workplace, tread carefully when it comes to medical evaluations. The ADA makes it illegal to “regard” persons as disabled …

As the employer, it’s up to you to prove overtime exempt status


Under California law, employees are entitled to overtime payments unless the law exempts them from protection. But It’s up to employers to justify each exemption they claim …

Wrongful termination scores $329,000 for Sonoma State coach


A California jury has awarded more than $300,000 to a former Sonoma State University softball coach who claimed that she was wrongfully fired ….