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Employment Law

Vague complaints not enough to trigger retaliation protection


Most discrimination laws include a provision that makes it illegal to retaliate against employees who complain about discrimination …

Pregnancy Discrimination Act doesn’t apply to partner of pregnant woman


The federal Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) protects women from discrimination based on pregnancy or the ability to become pregnant. But men who are fired while their girlfriends or wives are pregnant can’t bring a PDA lawsuit …

Same rule, different punishment OK if you can justify

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Apply common sense in determining ‘Substantial impairment’


We’re becoming a nation of complainers, and the workplace is no exception. Consider the growing number of employees who claim they have a real or imagined disability—and want an accommodation …

Company photos may help clarify harassment relationship


If your organization is like most, you probably have a few company social events like a summer picnic and a holiday party …

Employee or independent contractor? For workers’ comp, commission is last word


Independent contractors aren’t eligible for workers’ compensation benefits paid by their contractor’s insurer, but employees are …

$12 million settlement ends Chicago’s political-Bias suit


The city of Chicago will pay approximately $12 million to settle a suit alleging it hired and promoted based on political affiliation …

Insurance carrier claims it didn’t understand policy


Farmers Automobile Insurance Association (FAIA) failed to pay overtime to its claims adjusters in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and the Illinois Minimum Wage Act …

Daley asks teachers’ union for a longer Chicago school day


Chicago Mayor Richard Daley has asked the Chicago Teachers Union for longer school days …

If disability affects performance, demotion may be in order


Disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations, including the elimination of nonessential functions. But what if an employee is functioning at a lower level than the job requires? …