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Employment Law

Employees must file discrimination cases within 180 days


n a 5-4 ruling, the U.S. Supreme Court has handed employers a major victory. No longer will you have to worry that an employment decision you made years—even decades—earlier will come back to haunt you …

No pay due for time spent putting on standard safety gear


In 2005, the U.S. Supreme Court issued a major decision on the applicability of the Fair Labor Standards Act  to paying workers for the time they spend putting on and taking off safety gear. Since then, employers have been understandably nervous about when to start paying …

Part-Time work seldom a reasonable accommodation


Common sense says that an employee with full-time job responsibilities cannot perform that job on a part-time basis. But that’s essentially what disabled employees claim when they ask for a permanent reduced-hour schedule …

Union to pay $800,000 for contempt of discrimination court orders


Local 580 of the Ornamental Iron Workers, a construction trade union in New York City, will pay $800,000 to settle a contempt action by the EEOC for referring white members to jobs more frequently than blacks and Hispanics …

Discrimination? Maybe, maybe not—But retaliation is on the docket


Manch McLaughlin, a 54-year-old employee in the gas operations plant of National Grid in Glenmont, claimed he was passed over for promotions for 26 years while newer employees moved up the ranks around him …

Ever wonder what’s on those trading floor notes?


A Long Island woman has filed suit against Banc of America Securities, alleging the company “left her to hang out to dry and get punished by her co-workers” after she made a sexual-harassment complaint …

Maid seeking to attend mass appeals to lower authority


Yolanda Pozo, a Cuban native and devout Catholic, worked as a maid at a New York hotel. When she started in 2001, she worked Monday through Friday. Her schedule did not conflict with her church attendance, but …

OK to terminate disabled worker—If there’s no way to accommodate


The ADA says disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations—but the key phrase is “reasonable” …

When posting jobs, spell out negatives as well as positives


Do you spell out all the details about the internal job opportunities you make available? If you don’t, you should
—including the negatives …

Did employee file small claims case? You may get later lawsuit tossed


One cardinal rule of law is this: You can only be sued once for all claims related to a particular wrong …