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Employment Law

The hitchhiker’s guide to hiring, harassment and firing


Tameisha Wilson, of Penn Hills, has filed an EEOC lawsuit against Grand Rapids, MI-based Gainey Transportation, claiming she was subjected to sexual comments, threatening language and unwanted touching after she joined the company as a trainee in October 2006 …

Court finds Del Monte didn’t cook promotion decisions


A Pittsburgh system/supply analyst sued Del Monte Foods for race and age discrimination after being passed over for several promotions despite excellent reviews …

State looking to end-Run ERISA on health care


The state of Pennsylvania is looking for a way to force employers to pay their share of health care costs without running afoul of the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) …

Woodmen Life settles harassment suit for $285,000


Lincoln, NE-based Woodmen of the World Life Insurance Society will pay $285,000 plus a $50,000 annuity to Louella Rollins, a Pittsburgh-area woman who served as state manager for Woodmen in Pennsylvania. Rollins claimed that a man she supervised complained openly about having to work for a woman. She said the employee also grabbed and touched her …

Drug testing: Minimize lawsuit risk with smart policy


You have the right to demand a drug-free workplace, but employees also have reasonable rights to privacy. That’s why drug testing and substance-abuse prevention programs carry big-time legal risks if they’re not managed properly. Employers can safely administer drug testing before hiring someone, during a fitness-for-duty test and after a preventable accident …

Travel time normally not payable


Q. Do I have to pay my employees for travel time? …

The elements of a valid noncompete agreement


Q. What standards must Pennsylvania employers follow when drafting noncompete agreements? …

Employee access to personnel files


Q. Who has the right to view personnel files? …

Phone privacy: It’s your property


Q. Can employers eavesdrop on their employees’ phone conversations at work, or listen to their voicemail messages in the company voicemail system? …

It’s up to employers to prove they’re acting in good faith


You’ve no doubt heard the adage that ignorance of the law is no excuse. But what you may not know is that it’s up to employers to prove they took concrete steps to overcome that ignorance if the law in question is the Fair Labor Standards Act …