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Employment Law

$22,000: Cost of failing to provide space to pump milk

The Affordable Care Act amended the Fair Labor Standards Act to require employers to provide nursing mothers a clean, private place (that is not a restroom) to express milk. Allegiance Behavioral Health Center, located in Plainview, Texas, apparently didn’t understand that.

Document promotion process to show you chose the best

Employers that follow their own rules and maintain accurate and complete records of their promotion decisions generally win failure-to-promote cases.

Beware wage-and-hour lawsuits that might suddenly turn into class actions

Here’s another reason to make sure you are carefully following the Fair Labor Standards Act’s overtime rules: Just one disgruntled and allegedly underpaid employee can file a class-action lawsuit and get the court to authorize contacting all other similarly situated workers to join in as plaintiffs.

Warn all bosses against ageist comments, including the most senior executives

When you train managers and supervisors, be sure to issue this simple warning: It is never appropriate for anyone in a supervisory role to make age-related comments. The problem is even worse when senior executives make age-related statements.

Prepare to pay up when retaliation is alleged

Even if you win an employment discrimination case, you may end up losing if someone foolishly retaliates against the employee for complaining in the first place.

Take extra care when firing after ADA, FMLA

Firing an employee who is returning from ADA or FMLA leave is a risky proposition. Make absolutely sure you can justify the termination with legitimate business reasons that have nothing to do with missing work, taking leave or requesting accommodations.

Tyler docs violated ADA by quizzing staff about health

The physicians who own Pulmonary Specialists of Tyler and Sleep Health must have missed the part of their training addressing that most medical of employment laws: the ADA.

New California law mandates women on boards of directors

Last September, California enacted Senate Bill 826, a pioneering law that requires every publicly held company headquartered in California to have at least one woman on its board of directors. Currently, a quarter of the state’s public companies have no female directors.

Make returning worker sign arbitration agreement again

If you use an arbitration agreement, and a worker quits only to be rehired later, make sure she signs and dates a fresh copy of the agreement. Otherwise, the earlier resignation will have ended the agreement.

Court: Unsigned arbitration agreement enforceable

A California appeals court has upheld an arbitration agreement presented to employees as a take-it-or-leave-it proposition that implied their acceptance even if they didn’t sign it.