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Employment Law

AIG hit with overtime lawsuit disputing exempt status


Two New Jersey claims adjusters for AIG Inc. in New York City have filed a class-action lawsuit against the insurer alleging it improperly classified them as exempt from overtime pay …

New Jersey courts extend whistle-Blower protections


Employees who blow the whistle on corporate misdeeds have extra time to file retaliation complaints under the Conscientious Employee Protection Act (CEPA), thanks to a recent ruling by the New Jersey Superior Court, Law Division …

Friday night football told to pass on the Hail Marys


The East Brunswick School District has sued high school football coach Marcus Borden to force him to stop praying with players. Borden argued successfully in lower court that the district violated his free speech rights by ordering him to stop actions he considers secular signs of respect …

New Jersey employers make Best Places to Work for GLBT


Eight New Jersey employers made the 2007 Best Places to Work for GLBT Equality, a ranking of employers’ policies toward gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender (GLBT) employees. The Human Rights Campaign publishes the list annually …

Supreme Court’s Ledbetter decision could affect your pay policies


In May 2007, the U.S. Supreme Court announced its decision in Ledbetter v. Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. Inc., a case that limits the potential liability of employers in wage discrimination claims brought under Title VII. New Jersey employers should bear in mind that Ledbetter was decided under Title VII—the federal statute governing employment discrimination claims. Although New Jersey state courts often look to federal decisions for guidance, it is uncertain how Ledbetter will be applied in a state court action involving the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination …

Gender identity and dress codes for males and females


Q. The company I work for has had an employee dress code since the company was incorporated. Recently, a male employee began coming to work dressed as a woman. His supervisor asked me if this violates the dress code. If so, can the supervisor require the male employee to dress according to the dress code for males and discipline him if he doesn’t? …

Recouping company-paid health plan premiums after FMLA leave


Q. While my employees are out on FMLA leave, we pay our share of health plan premiums on behalf of them. If an employee does not return to work following his FMLA leave, can I recover those premiums directly from the employee? …

Leave-Of-Absence accommodation and the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination


Q. I have an employee who has a handicap, as that term is broadly defined under the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (NJLAD). It would not qualify as a disability under the ADA. I know that a reasonable accommodation under the ADA can include a short leave of absence. In the absence of an ADA disability, do I have to provide a leave of absence as an accommodation for a handicap under NJLAD? …

FMLA claims just got tougher for employers


The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals has decided that waiving employers’ past violations of the FMLA requires approval from a court or the U.S. Labor Department. That gives employees a leg up if they sue their employers for violating the FMLA. At the heart of the case is an FMLA regulation that states, “Employees cannot waive their rights under FMLA” …

You can hold supervisors to higher standards than others


You don’t have to treat supervisors the same as other employees if they break the rules. As the following case shows, supervisors who get into physical fights with subordinates can and should be fired—even if you simply discipline co-workers who get into similar confrontations at work …