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Employment Law

Analyze talents, needs before transfer


Employers are generally free to transfer employees where their skills can be best utilized. Of course, some employees resist such moves, especially if these actions are perceived as undesirable transfers or even demotions. That’s why, for every transfer, you should make a clear assessment of who has what skills and talents …

Survey says half of refineries as dangerous as BP Texas City


According to a recent survey, the same kinds of conditions that preceded a deadly March 2005 accident at BP Products North America’s Texas City refinery are pervasive in refineries across the nation. The survey polled union leaders at 51 refineries, representing 49% of the U.S. refining capacity …

Pilgrim’s Pride to pay $1 million to 5,300 applicants


The nation’s largest poultry producer—Texas-based Pilgrim’s Pride Corp.—recently agreed to pay $1 million to settle allegations that it discriminated on the basis of sex and ethnicity in hiring …

New I-9 form plus no-Match letters complicate hiring process


The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has just released a revised Form I-9, Employment Eligibility Verification, for immediate use and a new M-274, Handbook for Employers, Instructions for Completing the Form I-9

Can we dock sick time for exempt employees?

Q. Will I risk losing an employee’s exempt status if I deduct from his or her wages for full-day absences of one or more days?

Pre-Employment inquiries and the ADA


Q. Can an employer ask a job applicant whether he or she can meet the company’s attendance policy? …

Scents and … sensible policy: Must you accommodate ‘Chemical sensitivity’?


A recent survey found that potent scents ranked #4 on the list of employees’ workplace pet peeves. Yet for some who suffer from multiple chemical sensitivity, strong odors aren’t just an annoyance—they’re a real health concern. Is it serious enough to warrant ADA accommodation?

Employee References: Sample Release Form

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Self-Audit: Job Applications


Do your job application forms pass legal muster?

Checklist: FLSA: Exempt vs. Nonexempt Status

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