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Employment Law

Your website could trigger a bias lawsuit

The California Supreme Court recently confronted the question of whether a customer has standing to sue over alleged discrimination based on a visit to the business’ website rather than its brick-and-mortar locations.

Requiring English not automatically biased

For years, the EEOC has taken the position that rules requiring employees to speak only English at work are discriminatory unless the employer can justify the rule as a business necessity. But now a federal court has concluded that before making an employer justify the rule’s necessity, the affected worker has to show that the policy has a disparate impact on a protected group.

EEOC takes customer harassment seriously

The EEOC wants employers to know that customer preference is never a legitimate reason to allow customers to harass or otherwise discriminate against your employees.

Supreme Court to address LGBT rights at work

The U.S. Supreme Court’s 2019-2020 term, scheduled to begin Oct. 7, will waste no time getting directly to one of the most contentious employment law issues cases on its docket.

OFCCP secures $16 million in pay-bias settlements in one day

Dell Technologies will pay $7 million to resolve charges of race and gender-based wage discrimination. Goldman Sachs & Co. will pay $9,995,000 to settle similar claims

Scalia confirmed as secretary of labor

Scalia takes over a Department of Labor facing several important employment law issues.

Overtime threshold rising to $35,568 on Jan. 1

The white-collar overtime threshold will increase to $35,568 on Jan. 1, 2020, following approval of a final rule the Department of Labor says will make 1.2 million more Americans eligible for overtime pay.

EEOC says ‘boys will be boys’ defense doesn’t excuse harassment

Just because it’s a male-dominated, blue-collar worksite doesn’t give supervisors the green light for sexual comments and name calling.

Scalia wins committee nod to become secretary of labor

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions voted Sept. 24 to approve the nomination of Eugene Scalia to succeed Alexander Acosta as secretary of labor.

Google settles NLRB ‘free speech’ policy case

The settlement agreement calls for the company to revise its policies to clarify that employees are not prohibited from discussing workplace issues.