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Employment Law

Don’t let one rogue manager brand you an age discriminator

Even if an employer has a good history of avoiding age discrimination in hiring, it can be sued for age discrimination if a reduction in force disproportionately affects older workers. Generally good hiring practices don’t prove that no discrimination occurred when drawing up the RIF list …

Check bankruptcy filings for possible ‘Get out of jail’ card

Employees who have been fired or otherwise lose their jobs frequently encounter financial problems and end up in bankruptcy court. If the employee doesn’t list a pending EEOC or lawsuit claim against his former employer, the bankruptcy court may miss important assets and discharge the debts …

After discrimination complaint, be sure to document any potential disciplinary moves

State and federal laws protect employees who file discrimination complaints from retaliation for making those complaints. That’s why it’s a good idea to make sure you carefully document any disciplinary moves that occur after an employee has complained of discrimination …

‘Boys will be boys’ won’t excuse harassment

A group of black construction workers filed a race discrimination and retaliation claim with the EEOC. They complained of racist graffiti, demeaning language and their tools being stolen. The employer tried to shrug it off, basically arguing that construction sites are by nature crude and mean-spirited workplaces …

Open inquiry protects against firing bias

Coca-Cola fired Dudley Thompson, who is black and from Jamaica, for not following company protocol when he went on vacation to the island—he failed to put his vacation request in writing and arrange for shift coverage …

Reality check: TV producers face overtime claims

Several workers from popular reality television shows have filed wage-and-hour claims with the California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement, according to the Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) …

Fever breaks: As nurses’ union drive cools down, TRO is lifted

An ongoing, acrimonious battle between the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) and the California Nurses Association to organize nurses nationwide took a modest turn toward civility recently when a California court commissioner lifted a temporary restraining order that briefly muzzled SEIU officials …

Jamba Juice mixed up in sexual harassment blender

The EEOC has filed suit against California-based fruit smoothie retailer Jamba Juice, alleging the company allowed one of its managers to sexually harass several female employees. The EEOC says the company disciplined the manager, but then promoted him two months later … 

‘Association discrimination’: A new frontier for HR?

You know it’s illegal under Title VII to discriminate against employees based on their race, sex, age and other protected characteristics. But a smattering of new court cases seem to expand that protection further—and create a new employment-law risk …

Must you grant diabetic employees extra breaks as a disability accommodation?

Diabetes is not automatically a disability under the ADA. But if an employee can prove her diabetes substantially limits at least one of her major life activities, such as eating, then the employee is legally disabled and protected by the ADA …