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Employment Law

Writing reviews: Steer clear of two common errors

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Providing extra leave after FMLA? You can set the rules

If your organization is generous about extending leave beyond the 12 weeks of unpaid time off the FMLA mandates, take heart. You can and should set whatever requirements you deem reasonable for taking that extra leave. The best part: According to a recent 11th Circuit decision, you don’t have to abide by the FMLA’s reinstatement rules if employees have already used up their protected FMLA leave …

Beware: Employees don’t have to meet EEOC deadline in race discrimination cases

Georgia employers have long believed they were off the hook when employees failed to file EEOC discrimination complaints within 180 days of the alleged discrimination. But employees who charge race discrimination under a previously little-known post-Civil War discrimination law aren’t bound by the 180-day limit …

Don’t let tardiness influence FMLA leave

Ann Weichman, an account underwriter at Chubb, was a pain to supervise because she was so frequently late for work. Then, a few days after Weichman took FMLA leave, she was late for nonmedical reasons. The company had had enough and fired her. She sued for retaliation and interference with her FMLA rights …

Time off for church TV?

Grocery store cashier Kimberly Bloom asked for Sundays off work for religious reasons. Although the store had a voluntary shift-swap system so employees could trade days with co-workers, Bloom told her boss that religious convictions prohibited her from working Sundays—or from asking co-workers to work for her …

Want some million-Dollar fries with that shake?

Anthony Tesvich, a former employee at Vinings-based Home Depot Inc., has been charged with tax evasion and conspiracy to commit wire fraud against the home improvement retailer. Tesvich allegedly took millions of dollars in kickbacks from foreign vendors …

Employees behaving badly: How about a $2,000 margarita?

Donna Gamble, of Marietta, a former Georgia Tech employee assigned to the Parker H. Petit Institute for Bioengineering and Bioscience, pleaded guilty to charging $316,000 of personal items on her Georgia Tech credit card …

Centerville dodges negligence charges in case of rogue cop

On Dec. 27, 2004, Centerville police officer Terry Ware was transporting Heather Breland following her arrest on forgery charges when he sexually assaulted her in the front seat of his cruiser. Ware was prosecuted for the assault and sentenced to prison. Breland sued the city …

What a catch! An ER doc and a software engineer!

Eric Perteet, of Conyers, was living a lie, and now he’s been arrested on charges of  fraud, after allegedly pretending to be an emergency room doctor at Piedmont Hospital for two months …

Negligent hiring: Take proper steps to avoid the costly pitfall

In recent years, the Georgia courts have significantly expanded employers’ obligations—and therefore potential liability—in the area of negligent hiring and supervision. At the same time, employees and applicants now enjoy significantly expanded privacy rights. So it’s more important than ever for employers to pay close attention to their application, hiring and background-check policies and practices …