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Employment Law

Contractor decision costs FedEx $319 million as class action grows

Official class notices were sent out in June to 27,165 present and former FedEx delivery drivers in the multidistrict lawsuit challenging the company’s independent contractor model. The court certified class-action status for drivers from 19 states, including Pennsylvania …

Pittsburgh McDonald’s faces suit alleging rogue manager

A former McDonald’s employee is suing the Oak Brook, Ill.-based company for permitting sexual harassment at a Pittsburgh restaurant. Vonda Jackson alleges that an assistant store manager touched her inappropriately …

Never, never on a Sunday


Timothy Walker was hired in 1995 at the Lafayette, Ind., plant of Alcoa Inc., based in Pittsburgh. Walker also served as a pastor at an area church. In May 1998, when he was appointed head pastor, Walker asked to be excused from work on Sundays …

House votes to make misclassifying independent contractors a third-Degree felony

A bill approved by the state House in June—the Construction Industry Independent Contractor Act—would make intentionally misclassifying workers as independent contractors a third-degree felony for employers in residential or commercial construction. Cases of negligence would constitute a summary offense …

Workplace bullying by managers: Unpleasant, but is it illegal?

According a recent Zogby International survey, 37% of U.S. workers report that they’ve been bullied at work. Not surprisingly, they say, the overwhelming majority (72%) of bullies are bosses. Workplace bullying is harassment that’s not necessarily based on an employee’s protected characteristic, such as gender or race. But, unlike harassment based on a protected class, bullying may not be illegal …

Exempt employees and negative leave balances

Q. I know I must pay exempt employees their full salaries even if they have no accrued benefits in their leave plans and their accounts have negative balances. But can I keep negative balance tallies and then subtract the negative balances as the employees earn more leave? …

Employee handbooks: Are they mandatory?

Q. We have never had an employee handbook. Do we need one? If so, how do we start? …

Pregnancy discrimination law covers women who’ve had abortions


By now you know that employers can’t fire or otherwise punish employees because they’re pregnant. But what about employees who choose to have an abortion? Make sure your supervisors know it’s illegal to discriminate against them, too.

Time for a snap inspection: Make sure bulletin boards don’t show signs of bias

If you want to make sure all managers and supervisors are playing by the nondiscrimination and no harassment rules, get out of the office and onto the shop floor. Someone from HR must visit each and every work location regularly—but unannounced …

Is that leave legit? You can discipline for FMLA ‘Vacation’

Do you suspect that some of your employees take FMLA leave for something a little less serious than tending to the health care needs of themselves or their relatives? If so, here’s some good news: You can and should check up on suspicious FMLA usage …