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Employment Law

Court rules employers must provide harassment-Free workplace

Earlier this year, a federal jury in Florida awarded $630,000 to 14 female prison employees who alleged that the state Department of Corrections created a hostile work environment by failing to prevent lewd behavior by male inmates. The court made it very clear that employers must ensure all employees have a harassment-free workplace, regardless of who the harasser is …

Act fast to investigate, correct hostile work environment signs

It’s not unusual to read about racially motivated incidents that occur at work. Slurs, graffiti and other acts of intimidation can lead to hostile environment lawsuits. By the time the graffiti shows up or the slurs are uttered, some of the damage has already been done. However, smart employers react immediately and try to limit the damage …

Remind managers: No comments on workers hiring lawyers

It’s tempting for managers to lash out at litigious employees—especially if they think the suit has no merit. Remind them to keep quiet.

You don’t have to pay all managers equally unless jobs are substantially similar

Competing demands for talent mean some professional positions warrant higher paychecks than others. As the following case shows, the Equal Pay Act (EPA) doesn’t require all positions on the same line of the organizational chart to be paid the same …

Don’t forget attorneys’ fees when calculating potential cost of pay disputes

When it comes to calculating the exact cost of failing to pay employees correctly, many employers forget to add in the winning employee’s attorneys’ fees. In many cases, it pays to settle such cases early on because the tab for the other side’s attorney can quickly grow very large …

Tab tops $60,000 in firing of pregnant bartender

In November 2004, members of the board of Maracci Temple 13 in Detroit called Eronda Garner into a meeting. Garner, a part-time bartender for the Grenadier Lounge, which the temple runs, was pregnant. The board told her she was being let go because it feared tending bar was unsafe for a pregnant woman …

Déjà Vu owners should have seen dancers’ FLSA claim coming

A group of exotic dancers who worked at nine Déjà Vu nightclubs over the past three years are suing Lansing-based Déjà Vu Consulting and Durand-based Cin-Lan Inc. for back wages. The lawsuit claims Déjà Vu misclassifies its dancers as independent contractors, resulting in wages below the minimum wage …

Suit claims Muslim employees were told to hold the hijab

Two Muslim women are suing McDonald’s restaurants, claiming they were denied jobs at a restaurant in Dearborn because they wore Islamic head scarves, or hijabs …

Employee ‘Family & friends’ can now bring EEOC retaliation claims

Earlier this year, the U. S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose decisions apply to Michigan employers, expanded the coverage of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964’s anti-retaliation provision when it held that the fiancé of an employee who made a complaint to the EEOC could bring a retaliation action when he was discharged by the employer …

May we terminate a disabled employee who can’t perform an essential function?

Q. One of our employees was hired to a position that requires her to drive to customers’ offices. When we hired her, she reviewed and signed a job description that included a statement “that transportation was an essential function of her job.” Public transportation is not a realistic option. She recently received test results suggesting she might be suffering from multiple sclerosis. She provided a return-to-work slip indicating she would be able to return to work on a part-time basis but would not be able to drive or do heavy lifting. We told her we cannot accommodate her restrictions, but we provided a four-month leave of absence. Assuming she will not be able to drive when she returns, are we within our rights to discharge her? Are we going to violate her rights under the ADA or Michigan disability laws? …