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Employment Law

Legal risks of interviewing transgender applicants

Raul Lopez Jr. is a biological male who presents himself as Izza Lopez, a female. When Lopez applied for a job at a medical clinic, he listed both his male and female names on the application. The company offered Lopez the job, but the HR director demanded to know his biological sex. Then the clinic rescinded the offer, saying Lopez “misrepresented” himself in the interview …

Nursing home workers’contract signals start of statewide union push

An overwhelming majority of nursing home workers at 10 Sava Senior Care facilities in Northern California ratified a new contract in July. It will cover more than 1,000 workers who are members of the Service Employees International Union United Healthcare Workers-West (UHW) …

SoCal UFCW locals reach agreement with Rite Aid

Rite Aid drugstores recently reached tentative agreements on two new three-year contracts with seven locals of the United Food and Commercial Workers (UFCW) union. The new agreements will cover approximately 7,100 Southern California clerks and pharmacists working at 400 Rite Aid stores …

State court issues restraining order to bar AFSCME strike of UC

On July 11, a California state court issued a restraining order prohibiting Local 3299 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) from invoking a planned strike against facilities at the University of California …

Can we do anything about employees discussing pay with one another?


Q. Can we prohibit workers from discussing their pay with each other? This practice appears to be creating workplace conflict and damaging morale in the office …

Document promotion rationale to derail claims from runners-Up

Employees who complain about discrimination or offer to support another’s discrimination complaint sometimes fear that doing so will blacklist them from promotions or raises. When they, in fact, lose out on promotions, those denials can confirm their fears—and prompt them to file lawsuits. You can put a stop to that by making it absolutely clear why you chose to promote the person you did …

Tracking all discipline makes it easier to defend lawsuits

Employees who are fired frequently sue, alleging some form of discrimination. A fired employee may say, for example, that she was treated differently than her male co-worker who allegedly committed the same workplace offense. Smart employers keep careful track of all disciplinary actions and use progressive disciplinary programs to differentiate among employees …

Keep exact timecards, or court will use worker’s estimate

Here’s an incentive to make sure you account for every hour your nonexempt employees work: If an employee claims you didn’t pay her what you were supposed to, and you don’t have accurate time records, the court will calculate what you owe based on the number of hours the employee tells the court she worked …

Tell managers: No discrimination for in vitro fertilization

The Pregnancy Discrimination Act (PDA) prohibits discrimination “because of or on the basis of pregnancy, childbirth or related medical conditions.” Until now, it was an open question whether that law covered fertility treatments. Now the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that employers can’t punish female employees for undergoing in vitro fertilization …

Be sure ‘Shared’ employees don’t put you over FMLA limit

Many small employers aren’t covered by the FMLA because they don’t have 50 or more employees. But if you’re considering adding temp help from an outside agency to handle a workload spike, get out your calculator first. If you’re not careful, you could wind up triggering FMLA liability for everyone who works for you …