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Employment Law

Is your release broad enough to bar all lawsuits?


If your employees sign releases agreeing to settle minor employment-related claims out of court, make sure the language is broad enough to actually stop any further litigation …

Critical evaluation isn’t an adverse employment action


Employees who claim they have been discriminated against because of a protected characteristic such as age or disability have to show that they suffered an adverse employment action. They can’t simply point to a poor performance evaluation.

Doctor charged, sued for alleged hidden bathroom camera


Five women are suing Dr. Vincent Pacienza, claiming the Long Island cardiologist used a camera hidden inside an air freshener to spy on them when they used the office bathroom …

New York employers protected by new negligent hiring law


There’s good news for employers that, in good faith, hire employees with criminal records. Gov. David A. Paterson signed a new law that makes it harder to use an employee’s past criminal record as proof that an employer was negligent in hiring that employee …

Hempstead Township faces sexual harassment suit


Two former employees of the Hempstead Sanitation Department have filed a sexual harassment and race discrimination lawsuit claiming their supervisor, Frank Pepe, offered perks and gifts in exchange for sexual favors …

Maybe a rubber band would be better than a giant hat after all


The EEOC has sued the Grand Central Partnership—the business-improvement district association for Midtown Manhattan—claiming it refused to accommodate four security guards who wear dreadlocks as required by their Rastafarian religious beliefs …

Understand New York’s new WARN Act—it’s tougher than federal law


New amendments to the New York Labor Law now mean New York employers face tougher layoff notification requirements under state law than they do under federal law. The NYWARN Act, which takes effect Feb. 1, 2009, imposes requirements in addition to those mandated by the federal WARN Act …

IRS warns employers: Beware shady payroll services


The IRS recently issued a warning, reminding employers that they remain responsible for paying payroll taxes on time, even if their outsourcing partner fails to do its part.

The cure for workers’ comp fraud: daily injury logs


Employees who hurt themselves at work sometimes wait weeks or even months before filing a workers’ compensation claim. What at first seems like a relatively harmless injury can flare into a debilitating condition months later. Such late claims put business owners at a serious disadvantage.

Act fast, train when sexual harassment complaints arise


It takes more than a written policy to avoid liability for sexual harassment. But if you back up your policy with regular training and reminders and quickly fix any harassment problems that come to your attention, chances are you won’t be liable unless the harasser was a supervisor and the employee suffered an adverse employment action …