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Employment Law

FMLA: Distinguish between disability and behavior


Alcoholism can be a disabling medical condition that qualifies an employee to go on FMLA leave to undergo substance abuse treatment. But the same isn’t necessarily true for a drinking binge that lands an employee in the hospital …

Big win for Blue Cross as suit fails to become class action


Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota has won a significant victory in an overtime lawsuit filed by two customer service representatives. A court has denied a petition to elevate the case to class-action status—a decision that could save the insurer millions of dollars if it eventually loses.

Whine not? Tell chronic complainer to just move on when latest allegation proves false


Some employees have chips on their shoulders—everything is always someone else’s fault, not theirs. They constantly pester supervisors and higher-ups with complaints about discrimination, retaliation and general unfairness. How is an employer supposed to deal with such constant whining? …

Document why termination was justified when employee can’t handle promotion duties


Sometimes, employees who do great at one job lay an egg when promoted up the org chart. When that happens, and you find you have to terminate the employee, be sure to document exactly what went wrong. Otherwise, the employee may sue, claiming some sort of discrimination …

Disabled workers can collect unemployment if denied accommodations they ask for


Employees who become disabled, request accommodations that never materialize and then resign may end up getting unemployment compensation. But if disabled employees fail to request accommodations, they’re out of luck …

Repeated warnings of fraud may be protected whistle-blowing


Minnesota employees are protected from retaliation for reporting possible illegal activities to their employers under the Minnesota Whistleblower Act …

Good records make it easy to justify discipline


The Boy Scout motto, “Be prepared,” applies to employers, too. You simply never know when—or why—a fired employee will sue. But you don’t have much to worry about if you have processes in place to make sure each and every disciplinary decision is fair and rational …

EEOC sues Mesaba Airlines over Sabbath rules


The EEOC has filed a lawsuit on behalf of Laura Vallejos, a former customer service agent for Northwest Airlines’ subsidiary, Mesaba Airlines, based in Eagan. She claims she was fired for refusing to work past sundown on Fridays, the beginning of the Jewish Sabbath …

Macy’s resolves English-only incident at Edina store


Macy’s has rescinded a manager’s ad hoc English-only rule after six employees at the company’s Southdale Mall store in Edina complained to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) of Minnesota. The workers said a manager allegedly threatened to fire them if they spoke “even one word” of Somali on the job …

Gold’n Plump, Muslim workers agree on religious accommodations


After a year of negotiating and two EEOC lawsuits, Gold’n Plump Inc. of St. Cloud granted Muslim workers an extra 10-minute break for prayers and allowed them to refuse to work with pork products …