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Employment Law

Warn bosses: Don’t exclude from ‘inner circle’


Train all bosses to avoid even the appearance of favoritism. Explain that excluding anyone from an “inner circle” may trigger a lawsuit, especially if those on the “in” list are largely members of the same protected classification as the supervisor or manager. Something as simple as speaking a common foreign language with select subordinates can trigger a lawsuit …

Rutgers poli-sci department is old school, women claim


Five female faculty members at Rutgers University in New Brunswick have filed a complaint with the state Attorney General’s Office, alleging bias in pay and decision-making in the Political Science Department.

Beware bigger penalties for wage-and-hour claims under N.J. whistle-blower law


Employees and their lawyers are always looking for more ways to wring money out of employers that make mistakes. The latest trend in wage-and-hour cases, for example, is to file an FLSA lawsuit and then seek to collect additional damages by tacking on additional claims under New Jersey’s Conscientious Employee Protection Act. Here’s how

Just taking leave doesn’t mean employee is disabled


Employees ask for and take medical leave for all sorts of reasons. That doesn’t mean their employers know when an employee is disabled. But that doesn’t stop some employees from trying to use their leave as evidence in a discrimination lawsuit …

Isolated comment not enough to prove age discrimination


Do you worry that one ill-chosen comment could lead to a huge lawsuit? Don’t lose too much sleep unless the comment was grossly inappropriate …

CAIR reports increase in religious discrimination complaints


The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) reports that bias complaints by Muslim workers increased by 18% in 2007, reaching a record 452 cases. Complaints by Muslim job applicants also rose by 34%.

New laws promise reform of N.J. workers’ compensation system


New Jersey’s workers’ compensation system will be tougher on companies and employees who try to “game the system,” Senate Labor Committee Chairman Paul Sarto told A.M. Best Company, which rates the stability of government bonds and other financial instruments.

State employee benefits cut


Gov. Jon Corzine signed into law a new benefits package for state employees that raised the retirement age from 60 to 62 and increased the minimum salary workers must earn before being eligible for pension benefits. Now state government employees must earn at least $7,500 per year to qualify for a pension. The previous minimum was $500.

N.J. Supreme Court sets rules for proving religious discrimination


The New Jersey Supreme Court has ruled for the first time on the proof employees must offer to make a religion-based hostile work environment claim stick. The case, Cutler v. Dorn, established that New Jersey courts must decide workplace religious discrimination claims using the same legal standards they use in racial and gender discrimination claims.

Discipline only after documenting work slippage


Sometimes, it takes a new manager or supervisor to see how poorly an employee is performing. If an employee who has been getting good reviews suddenly appears to slump under new leadership, don’t jump the gun and discipline the employee right away. Here’s a better approach …