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Employment Law

Crying wolf? 4 steps for handling serial complainers


Some employees have chips on their shoulders—everything is always someone else’s fault, not theirs. They constantly pester supervisors and higher-ups with complaints about discrimination, retaliation and general unfairness. How is an employer supposed to deal with such constant whining? …

Both love and justice are blind: Consider banning boss/employee relationships


Does your handbook and employment policy specify that supervisors and subordinates shouldn’t develop personal, romantic or sexual relationships? If not, consider adding such a provision. It can go a long way to avoiding potential lawsuits when those relationships go bad.

ADA protections don’t cover independent contractors


Independent contractors aren’t covered by the ADA, as the following case shows …

Don’t be surprised if tort claim follows initial lawsuit


Government employees who want to sue for such things as defamation have to let the state know before they file suit. It gets trickier, however, when the employee amends a previous suit …

Employee does not have to specify race to invoke protection


Bernard Pettis, who is black, worked for R.R. Donnelley as a materials handler, loading skids for press operator Tim Cain. Whenever Cain, who is white, helped Pettis seal the skids, he would smash Pettis’ hands under the top board, then laugh and tell co-workers, “I got his hands,” or “Ooh, look at him.”

Restaurant owes back wages; owners wrangle over who pays


Las Limas restaurant in Angola has been ordered to pay 20 workers roughly $40,000 in back wages for numerous wage violations. A two-year investigation by the U.S. Department of Labor found that kitchen staff were improperly paid on a salary basis and denied overtime.

What are the liability risks for health plan administrators?


Q. I was recently approached by one of our company’s board members and asked to act as the plan administrator for our health benefits plan. I am nervous about assuming formal responsibility for plan administration. Am I subject to personal liability for administering our company’s plan?

What if a disability accommodation might cause morale problems with other employees?


Q. An employee whose doctor says she cannot stand for long periods of time recently requested an accommodation. The employee requested the opportunity to sit on a stool while she works. We are concerned that giving this employee a stool will prompt other employees to request seats of their own, even though they do not have the disability she does. Do we have to accommodate her request, knowing that it could lead to significant morale problems?

Downtime: When to Pay for Meal and Rest Breaks


It’s a deceptively simple concept: You have to pay nonexempt employees for every hour they work. But employers often trip over interpretation of that law when it comes to exceptions such as meal and rest breaks. Here’s a plain-English explanation of a sometimes tricky situation. PLUS! Find out what workers are really doing on their coffee breaks!

Resolve to fix classification mistakes now


Few HR mistakes can blow up faster than the simple misclassification of a nonexempt employee. A single FLSA classification error can easily become an attorney’s meal ticket, as well as an employer’s ticket to the poorhouse. Prevent this costly calamity by regularly reviewing your positions to make sure you have properly classified everyone.