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Employment Law

UT-Austin study reveals academic gender gap in pay, promotions


The University of Texas at Austin has released a study showing large gaps in pay, promotions and representation between male and female professors in the university’s academic departments.

Times are changing: HR heads to Vegas to LEAP ahead


It’s predicted that 2009 will bring more changes in federal employment and labor laws than in the entire eight years of the previous administration. To help HR professionals prepare, The HR Specialist is hosting the 5th annual Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practices (LEAP) Symposium March 18-20 in Las Vegas.

Your guide to medical confidentiality under the ADA and the FMLA


Both the ADA and the FMLA have strict requirements for how employers must handle employees’ confidential medical information. HR professionals need to know these rules to comply with both acts—and to avoid expensive legal liability for failing to do so.

What testing can we do if we suspect employee drug abuse?


Q. Our company has random drug testing. Can we send an employee to be tested for suspicion of drug use?

When a collection company calls, may we disclose employee medical info?


Q. May an employer provide an employee’s medical information to a collection company?

Investigate thoroughly before settling bias suit


Settling with an employee who has filed a discrimination lawsuit? If the EEOC gets involved, it can continue the case on its own—and may be able to get a court to order you to take corrective measures that go far beyond your settlement terms. That’s one good reason to conduct your own thorough investigation before you settle with the employee.

Temporary disability leave over? Carefully handle employee’s return to work


An employee who has been on temporary disability leave and whose leave is about to expire may be eligible for reasonable accommodations under the ADA. A smart employer will try to ease the return process by proposing a solid return date to the employee and inviting him to contact the company with any questions or concerns.

Good manners prevent needless negligent-supervision lawsuits


Employers are responsible for the way their employees behave. Threatening behavior toward fellow employees or customers that causes emotional or physical harm can lead to a negligent-supervision lawsuit.

At-will employment remains alive and well in Pennsylvania


Employees and their lawyers are always trying to find new ways to expand the claims they can make against employers. They try novel approaches to try to sweeten the recovery pot, as the following case shows.

Temp tests Woody Allen’s 80% theory and fails


Maybe Craig Whirlow, a temp agency employee from Connellsville, is a con man. Maybe he’s just a world-class slacker. Or maybe he’s a fan of comedian and director Woody Allen, who once famously observed, “Eighty percent of success is showing up.”