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Employment Law

Muslim man claims bias at Dearborn Wal-Mart


Louay Kezy, a former stockroom clerk at a Wal-Mart store in Dearborn, has filed a $12 million lawsuit claiming he was harassed and fired because of his Arab and Muslim heritage. Kezy, who worked at the store from March to August 2008, claims that co-workers made terrorist jokes and hostile remarks such as “We hate you all” …

State Supreme Court upholds reverse discrimination verdict


The Michigan Supreme Court upheld a jury verdict in favor of Kenneth Sciotti, a Detroit municipal employee who claimed he was denied promotions because he is white.

Kalamazoo outlaws sexual orientation discrimination


The Kalamazoo City Commission in December enacted a law prohibiting discrimination based on sexual orientation. The measure mirrors ordinances enacted in at least 15 Michigan cities, including Ann Arbor, Ferndale and Grand Rapids.

Feds file harassment suit against Muskegon County


Muskegon County faces a U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) lawsuit claiming the county failed to respond to sexual harassment complaints dating back nine years. In 2000, Eva Amaya, a former computer analyst for the 60th District Court, complained about inappropriate touching by co-worker Eugene Beene …

Workers’ comp for unpaid interns?


Q. A local college has asked our company to allow a student to work at one of our plants for credit this summer. The student would not be paid, which sounds like a great deal for the company. However, we are concerned about what would happen if the student were injured while interning. Would we be liable?

Where should we hold our upcoming collective-bargaining sessions?


Q. Our company is heading into union contract negotiations early this year, and I have been asked to organize the bargaining sessions. I know in the past we have bargained at a local hotel, but we always get stuck with the bill. Does the company have to pay for hotel conference rooms and the refreshments? This cost adds up over a period of weeks. What are the realistic options?

What are the new rules on observation of DOT-mandated drug and alcohol tests?


Q. Is it true that someone now has to watch my employees give urine specimens as part of DOT drug and alcohol testing?

Prepare to comply with two new employment laws


Beginning Feb. 1, New York employers must comply with two important new state employment laws affecting notification of impending layoffs and the conduct of criminal background checks.

No anguish needed to show hostile environment


Some employers assume that for a hostile environment claim to have merit, the victim must practically have a nervous breakdown. Not so. A strong-willed employee may be able to tolerate a barrage of abuse in good spirits, but may still have a hostile work environment claim.

$1.3 million discrimination judgment against Spitzer senior


A Bronx jury has ordered Bernard Spitzer, father of former Gov. Eliot Spitzer, to pay more than $1.3 million to four former employees to settle racial discrimination charges.