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Employment Law

What’s the law on hiring a private eye to check for workers’ comp fraud?


Q. We suspect one of our employees has filed a fraudulent workers’ compensation claim. We would like to hire a private investigator to gather information on the worker’s activities. What laws would govern that decision?

Griddlegate: Pancakes, French toast sweetened state e-mails


Gov. Charlie Crist has called for an investigation following allegations that Florida Department of Transportation employees used code words in e-mails referring to the state’s pending high-speed rail program. Some e-mails refer to “pancakes” and “French toast,” apparent code words for aspects of the transit. The suspected reason for the syrupy sleight of hand: to avoid having the e-mails discovered through Freedom of Information Act requests.

Handling an EEOC investigation


Q. A former employee recently filed a complaint against my company with the EEOC. He is alleging race discrimination. As part of its investigation, the EEOC will be coming to our offices to interview employees. Do I have to make these employees available? Can I sit in on the employee interviews?

Preserve employees’ exempt status; give explicit ‘discretion and judgment’ power


Be wary of applying the FLSA exempt administrative classification to employees simply because they perform office or nonmanual work directly related to the company’s management or general business operations. Such a misclassification neglects the second part of the administrative-exemption test: that the employee’s “primary duty include the exercise of discretion and independent judgment with respect to matters of significance.”

Tell employees on FMLA leave: No working from home


Because FMLA leave is an entitlement, employers aren’t allowed to interfere with it. And interference can include requiring employees to perform work during their leave. That’s why it’s important to make arrangements for work to be completed without help from the employee on leave.

Using partial SSN as employee ID: Is that legal?


Q. Can we use the last four digits of our employees’ Social Security number (SSN) as their employee identification number? It would make tracking hours on our log-in time clock much easier.

DOJ turns up heat on USERRA violators


The U.S. Department of Justice says it has begun increasing its enforcement efforts on employers that it suspects discriminated against military members returning to the private-sector workforce. In the first six months of 2009, the department filed 14 lawsuits based on violations of USERRA.

Don’t automatically grant FMLA leave for stress


Employees often claim their jobs stress them out. And for some, it’s so bad they feel they need to take off work for a week or so to cope. That doesn’t mean, however, that employees are automatically entitled to use FMLA leave. Even if they get a doctor to write a note “prescribing” rest, they don’t qualify for FMLA leave unless there’s some additional treatment ordered, such as medication or counseling.

Evaluating employee before return to work? Know difference between medical, agility tests


Under the ADA, employers aren’t allowed to subject employees to medical tests unless they can prove that the examinations are job-related and consistent with business necessity. However, they can ask employees to perform agility tests. The line between the two is difficult to find. But get it wrong, and you may have an ADA discrimination case on your hands.

Assigning black staff to black clients: Is that bias?


Here’s a problem you might not see coming: Let’s say you have an employee who belongs to a protected class, and whose skills you believe will help when relating to others of the same protected class—language or cultural awareness skills, for example. Before you decide to assign work to the employee based on those skills, consider whether doing so is, in effect, unspoken discrimination.