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Employment Law

#MeToo era: Say goodbye to token settlements

Once upon a time, employers could make many sex discrimination and harassment complaints go away with a discreet, relatively small settlement. That’s a fairy tale now.

Beware NLRB lawsuits that allege worker retaliation

The EEOC isn’t the only enforcement agency that can file a retaliation lawsuit. The National Labor Relations Board can, too. Even employers with nonunion workforces may find themselves in the NLRB’s crosshairs if they bar discussing working conditions.

Ignore harassment complaints, plan on lawsuit

Some managers mistakenly assume that if they ignore harassment complaints long enough, victims will quit and the problem will disappear. That’s wishful thinking.

Disability is no excuse for breaking work rules

Workplace discrimination laws don’t give a free pass to employees who violate legitimate work rules. Don’t let fear of being sued stop you from disciplining workers who deserve it.

Identify pay disparities, correct them now

Here’s a reminder that employers should proactively revise their pay practices with an eye toward ending pay disparities. The fact is, agencies such as the EEOC are going all out to make sure women are paid as much as men, even if the differences are small or don’t last long.

Automated interviews raise bias concerns

By automating part of the hiring process, there’s less scheduling hassle and more opportunity to quickly screen out clearly unqualified and unsuitable applicants while identifying the most promising candidates. But there are also disadvantages.

Stamp out supervisors’ racist behavior, racist slurs

Make sure every supervisor understands that you do not tolerate any form of racism on the job, including use of racial slurs. Employers often pay dearly when bigotry rears its ugly head at work.

It’s up to HR to foster workplace civility

American society is as polarized as it has been in decades. We have just completed a bitterly divisive election. Public discourse and even private conversations are angry. That same coarseness can permeate the workplace unless employers intervene. But employers must be careful not to chill protected speech when they try to enforce civility.

Red flag! 1 boss, many harassment complaints

If more than one employee complains about a supervisor’s alleged harassment, it’s time to take a close look. Investigate ASAP. When you have a serial harasser on your hands, the problem will grow worse unless you intervene.

Biden plans to limit noncompetes, ban no-poaching agreements

Biden campaign documents say he will support nationwide legislation to eliminate all noncompete agreements except those that are “absolutely necessary to protect a narrowly defined category of trade secrets.”