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Employment Law

Court: Pay worker for post-shift security check

Best Buy recently agreed to a $902,000 class-action settlement that resolves claims that the company didn’t pay workers in New York stores for minutes spent going through security check lines at the end of their shifts.

How to write effective and legal job descriptions

Job descriptions are the cornerstone of communication between managers and their employees. After all, it’s hard for supervisors to measure job effectiveness during performance reviews unless they and the employee both know what’s expected. Here’s how to do job descriptions right.

Can we require employees to use accrued paid leave instead of FMLA leave?

Q. One of our supervisors needs time off to undergo medical treatment. Instead of FMLA leave, may we require him to use accrued vacation for the time he will miss?

What should we do? We’ve heard rumors that some employees are downloading porn at work

Q. All of our employees have Internet access at work. We have heard rumors that several employees have been logging onto pornographic and other inappropriate sites, and have been displaying or disseminating objectionable material to others in the workplace. Even though we have not received a formal complaint, do we have an obligation to address this now?

Mandatory employment arbitration agreements in California

The California Supreme Court has issued a decision providing useful clarification to employers that want to revise or enforce existing mandatory arbitration agreements.

Duplicate systems led to OT shortages, university worker says


An enrollment counselor is suing the online University of Phoenix for unpaid overtime, and wants to expand her lawsuit to include everyone else who worked as enrollment counselors in California over the past three years. Diane Adoma claims the university deliberately underpaid for overtime hours.

Health Net heads to court to fight wage-and-hour lawsuit

A former customer service rep at Health Net Inc., a nationwide health maintenance organization based in Woodland Hills, is suing the company for requiring off-the-clock work … and she’s trying to turn the Fair Labor Standards Act suit into a class action that could involve hundreds of workers.

Employer isn’t responsible if it doesn’t know of retaliation


Employees sometimes get angry if they’re implicated when a co-worker complains about alleged discrimination. They may retaliate by ostracizing the complainer. But that’s not enough to hold the company liable for retaliation—as long as it never knew about the problem.

Isolated offensive words don’t always mean hostile workplace

Some employees think that any negative comment that touches on race or nationality means they have a hostile work environment case. That’s just not true, especially when there’s no evidence that the work environment hurt the employee’s ability to perform her job.

If worker on RIF list has sought reasonable accommodations, be prepared to justify


Watch out! If you’re contemplating reducing your workforce in order to survive today’s harsh economic climate, you need to prepare for potential litigation. To do that, make sure you carefully document why you are making the reductions. That’s especially critical if you have been negotiating reasonable accommodations for a disabled employee who may be on your RIF list.