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Military Leave / USERRA

Military spouse on leave? Employee has leave rights, too


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger recently signed California’s new law allowing military spouses to take leave. The law requires some employers to provide up to 10 days of unpaid leave to the spouse of a qualified member of the U.S. armed forces, National Guard or reserves. Here are employer guidelines on exactly how to administer this new entitlement …

Make it your policy: Mum’s the word on military service


With more and more citizen-soldiers being called to long tours of duty, being a member of the reserves or the National Guard no longer seems like a part-time position. Inconvenient as it may be, resist the temptation to mention someone’s military service in performance reviews, at bonus time or when considering service members for promotions or raises …

USERRA: Know your duty to returning disabled soldiers


The federal Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) requires employers to reinstate employees who take military-related leave. It also prohibits job discrimination against military or ex-military personnel. But a lesser-known USERRA provision deals with how employers must handle soldiers who return from active duty with injuries or other disabilities. USERRA is similar to the ADA …

Know your Indiana Military Family Leave Act responsibilities


Indiana has joined a growing number of states that require midsize and larger employers to provide job-protected leave to eligible employees who have family members on active duty in the U.S. armed forces and the Indiana National Guard. The law is expected to have a significant impact on Indiana employers since more than 37,000 Indiana residents serve in the military or in National Guard units. Note, though, that the deployed family member doesn’t have to be an Indiana resident …

Grandparent leave for military service


Q. One of our employees has a grandson who has just been called for duty in Afghanistan. She wants to take off the week before he ships out to attend a get-together in Orlando with him and other family members. She has no vacation time left, and this is a very busy season for our company. Do we have to let her go? …

New military spouse leave law raises many questions


When Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed California Assembly Bill 392 into law on Oct. 9, he and the legislature gave California employers only the sketchiest outline of how the new military spouse leave law will work. A few things are clear about the law, which amends the California Military and Veterans Code. First, only employers with 25 or more employees in the United States are covered …

Rights of returning Iraq vets


Q. One of my employees is scheduled to return this fall from a two-year tour of duty in Iraq. What rights does this employee have regarding his return to work? …

USERRA: An Employer’s Guide to Military Leave Law

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Court to decide if changing leave policy violates USERRA


With the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan showing no signs of abating, more and more employees in the National Guard and Reserve have to spend time away from the workplace. For employers, managing a work force with more than one service member on staff has become something of a logistical nightmare. And some employers are backing away from previously generous efforts to help service members balance military commitments and work …

Recognize The Legal Dangers Of Considering Military Service In Employment Decisions


With the war in Iraq dragging on, some employers’ patience is wearing thin when it comes to managing leaves of absence for National Guard troops and reservists …