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Labor Relations / Unions

Communicating during tough times: 7 common employee gripes (and how to respond)


The global financial meltdown has workers fearful and downright angry. If you plan on surviving the recession, your managers must acknowledge the fear and anger employees may feel. Don’t let these seven gripes pollute your workplace.

Union members who lose seniority must sue fast


Employees who work in a union setting often cannot take temporary assignments into management without losing the benefits of their union membership. One such benefit is often seniority. Employees must sue right away if they lose seniority.

U.S. Supreme Court: 4 key employment cases could reshape HR


During this term, the U.S. Supreme Court will consider employment cases concerning arbitration, pregnancy discrimination, protected activity and union fee use.

Lufkin Industries workers ratify 3-year labor contract


Members of three unions recently ratified a new three-year contract with Lufkin Industries. The agreement will give 1,200 workers at five Texas plants wage increases totaling 11% over the term of the contract.

Times are changing: HR heads to Vegas to LEAP ahead


It’s predicted that 2009 will bring more changes in federal employment and labor laws than in the entire eight years of the previous administration. To help HR professionals prepare, The HR Specialist is hosting the 5th annual Labor and Employment Law Advanced Practices (LEAP) Symposium March 18-20 in Las Vegas.

Union sues Fresno, transit agency for blocking ad


A health care workers’ union has filed a lawsuit against the city of Fresno, claiming it violated the union’s constitutional rights by failing to allow a union advertisement on city buses.

Sparks fly in Camden over layoff procedure


Camden Chief Operating Officer (COO) Theodore Davis announced plans to cut 31 government jobs in October. Rather than rely on union agreements to decide where to cut, Davis used his own system, which he said was more equitable than established civil service procedures. Unions representing municipal employees say that’s illegal …

‘Sweeping’ changes in store for HR & employers


Change. America voted for it, and the HR world will certainly receive its fair share next year. The arrival in Washington of President-elect Obama and a firmly Democratic-controlled Congress will spark an array of legislative and regulatory proposals that could rewrite the employment law rule book.

Pregnancy—an ‘off-duty injury’—prompts Detroit Police suit


Five Detroit police officers have filed a lawsuit challenging a department policy that forces pregnant officers to go on sick leave as soon as their supervisors find out they’re pregnant.

NLRB: Grand Rapids Starbucks worker fired for union organizing


The National Labor Relations Board has filed a complaint against Starbucks, claiming it fired a Grand Rapids, Mich., barista because of his union sympathies.