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Labor Relations / Unions

Rely on union contract terms when working out disability accommodations


Dealing with a labor union has its headaches, but figuring out how to deal with disability accommodations isn’t one of them. The fact is, having a collective-bargaining contract in place can make that easier.

No vote required: Government workers can organize with cards


The Illinois Supreme Court has ruled that public employers have to accept a union as their employees’ bargaining representative if the union shows that a majority of the employees have authorized union dues deduction.

Maritime arbitration agreements enforceable, trump California law


The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals had ruled that cruise lines and the unions who negotiate labor contracts on behalf of the “seamen” who work on cruise ships can agree that all disputes go to arbitration, and that employment contracts that include arbitration clauses are enforceable.

Planned state furloughs tied up in union lawsuit


Faced with California’s ongoing budget crisis, Gov. Arnold Schwarzenneger announced that all state workers must take two unpaid days off every month beginning in February. The austerity measure didn’t sit very well with two labor unions …

Not a union employer? Proposed EFCA could soon change that


Union-free employers should consider acting now to keep their operations union-free, given the nature of the changes that are likely to come with enactment of the Employee Free Choice Act. The law would make it more difficult for employers to oppose union organizing, and would limit employers’ bargaining power if they do become unionized.

Can we forbid employees from sharing how much of a bonus they received?


Q. My company asks employees who receive raises or discretionary bonuses not to discuss them with other employees. An employee recently took issue with this request and told me the company’s practice is illegal. Is that true?

Review contract language before changing benefits


If your organization has a collective-bargaining agreement with a union, you must make sure you check with counsel before you make any changes to benefits. In some cases, promises made in past contracts—such as a promise to provide retiree health benefits—may be a binding, vested promise that cannot be undone.

Where should we hold our upcoming collective-bargaining sessions?


Q. Our company is heading into union contract negotiations early this year, and I have been asked to organize the bargaining sessions. I know in the past we have bargained at a local hotel, but we always get stuck with the bill. Does the company have to pay for hotel conference rooms and the refreshments? This cost adds up over a period of weeks. What are the realistic options?

Workplace CSI: the anatomy of a successful investigatory interview


A solid investigation is the cornerstone of any decision to discipline an employee. One of the most important and effective tools available in conducting an investigation is the investigatory interview. Here’s how to conduct one.

5th Circuit passes on NLRB cases from elsewhere


The 5th Circuit Court of Appeals, whose decisions cover Texas employers, tends toward conservative rulings. It recently rejected a case that could have opened up the litigation floodgates for companies that have pending unfair labor practice charges.