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Labor Relations / Unions

Company Records: What to Keep, What to Dump

A records retention schedule ensures that an organization keeps the records it needs for operational, legal, fiscal or historical reasons, and then destroys them when they’re no longer useful. You have to know what you have and how long to keep it—legally and for your own business purposes—before you can establish an efficient records management system.

When labor, immigration laws clash, NLRB decides


The Department of Homeland Security has authorized more raids on workplaces it suspects include undocumented workers—and employers, not the workers, are being charged with breaking the law. At the same time, the NLRB is pushing employers to settle unfair labor practice cases and ordering them to rehire employees terminated for exercising National Labor Relations Act rights. But what happens when those fired workers are actually ineligible to work?

Shelving of controversial ‘card check’ provision doesn’t mean union-friendly EFCA bill is dead


Heavy criticism of the so-called “card check” has led supporters to step back from that most controversial piece of the Employee Free Choice Act. But you can still expect passage of some version of the law that could, among other things, speed up union elections, impose stiffer penalties on labor violations and allow workers to campaign at the work site without retaliation.

Know the limits of employee free speech—no need to tolerate out-of-line protests


Employees have the right to voice concerns and complaints about perceived workplace discrimination. But employers have rights, too. Employees don’t have the right to communicate their concerns in ways that are disruptive, insubordinate or that otherwise violate reasonable company policies. You can punish employees who don’t play by the rules.

Can we prohibit employees from sharing salary information with one another?


Q. Is it illegal for a company to prohibit employees from sharing salary and wage information?

Union pact overlaps with state law? Grievance comes first


Are you a union employer with a collective-bargaining agreement that touches on labor issues also covered by the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act (MFLSA)? Then employees can’t go directly to court without first pursuing a union grievance.

Organized labor at your doorstep? Don’t grill employees about their union support


Unions are flourishing during the current economic crisis, slowly emerging after decades of decline. Chances are, more and more of your employees are being courted by unions, whether your organization is currently a union workplace or not. Now’s the time to educate yourself on what you can and cannot do to discourage union membership.

Charitable donation OK in lieu of union dues


Some employees’ religious beliefs forbid them to belong to labor unions. Because, like employers, unions may not discriminate on the basis of religion, they must make reasonable accommodations for employees who object to any of their pay going to the union.

Dayton gets unlikely help from union when courts try to force settlement


Sometimes, the HR business makes for strange bedfellows. Consider what happened in one recent case when the U.S. Department of Justice sued the city of Dayton, claiming its rules for hiring police officers and firefighters unfairly screened out black candidates. The police and firefighters union stepped in to intervene in the litigation.

Government employers can limit when employees take flextime


Some government employers let employees arrange their schedules to allow flexible hours. Changing those terms in a union environment may be an unfair labor practice. However, in one recent case, an Ohio appeals court upheld such a change because the union contract didn’t address the practice.