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Labor Relations / Unions

Supreme Court’s new term: Arbitration, disparate impact on docket


Several cases on the U.S. Supreme Court’s docket this term involve employment and labor-related issues. One of the most notable of these will decide how much time plaintiffs have to file a lawsuit when they believe they have been unfairly penalized by hiring tests. Other cases will resolve issues involving an alleged whistle-blower, pension benefits, race discrimination and labor arbitration.

Can you muzzle employees who compare their paychecks?


It’s no secret that employees gossip about pay. And it’s no secret that those conversations often cause resentment and tension in the workplace. Wouldn’t it be great if you could forbid employees from discussing compensation? Don’t even think about it until you’ve read this comprehensive guide to the requirements of the National Labor Relations Act.

You can punish employees for improperly sharing salary information—in some cases


By federal law, employees have the right to discuss salaries and benefits with one another. Plus, in North Carolina, members of the public also have the right to specific information about public employees’ salaries. That does not mean, however, that public employers can’t reprimand employees who break rules against distributing that information in a way that creates conflict or animosity.

Get legal advice when union tries to organize


If you hear rumors that employees are talking about unionizing, call your attorney right away—and definitely before making any changes in the workplace. Otherwise, you may end up in court, fighting unfair labor practices charges.

Report blasts urban employers


A controversial study of employment practices in the New York City region, Chicago and Los Angeles has found that employers routinely stiff low-paid workers, breaking wage-and-hour laws and illegally thwarting union organizing efforts.

Schwarzenegger vetoes farm worker card check election bill


Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has vetoed a bill that would have created a card check election process for farm workers seeking union representation. S.B. 789, which was introduced by Senate President Pro Tempore Darrell Steinberg, is similar to bills the governor also vetoed in 2007 and 2008.

Chicago investment guru ‘stripped’ of $50 million


The U.S. Department of Labor has obtained a $50 million judgment against Chicago investment advisor John Orecchio for using money from six union pensions for his own private business interests. According to the SEC, Orecchio used pension assets to pay for private jet travel, Super Bowl tickets, construction at his Michigan horse farm and renovations to a Detroit strip club he owns.

Unionized workforce? There are some advantages


Most employers want to stay union-free for obvious reasons, such as retaining direct control over wages and benefits. But it’s not all downside to have a union represent your employees; there are some advantages. One is that troublesome employees end up bugging their union reps about work problems instead of management.

Is it too late to call for a union election?


Q. Someone from outside our company approached our HR vice president wishing to discuss a “personnel matter.” During the meeting, he presented the vice president with a set of union authorization cards signed by over half of the company’s employees. As the vice president flipped through the authorization cards, the individual stated that he is a union business agent and that his union represents a majority of an appropriate bargaining unit at the company. Are our employees entitled to an election to determine if they will be represented by the union?

EFCA compromise gains momentum in Congress


Congress will be taking a fresh look at the Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA) this fall, now that a Capitol Hill compromise has stripped out the bill’s controversial “card check” provision, which would have required union certification with a majority of employee signatures.