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Remind employees: They must continue to pay health insurance premiums while on FMLA

Employees out on unpaid FMLA leave are still entitled to health insurance benefits if they were covered before going out on leave. However, if the employee was required to pay part of the premium before taking leave, that obligation continues.

How not to handle FMLA leave: Bank learns the hard way that following the law isn’t optional


Some employers believe that pregnant women aren’t entitled to time off for pregnancy-related matters because pregnant women aren’t disabled or unable to perform their jobs. That’s wrong and can land employers in big trouble. The fact is that prenatal visits and even bouts of nausea are the sorts of things that Congress considered when covering pregnancy under the FMLA.

Does the FMLA grant leave for foreign adoptions?

Q. One of our employees is adopting a 5-year-old Ethiopian child and has asked for leave to travel to complete the adoption and bond with the child when they return to Minnesota. Does this count as FMLA leave, since it is not leave within the first year of the child’s life? If it does, is the travel time eligible for FMLA leave?

Grant FMLA leave for pregnancy-related conditions

Many employers think expectant ­mothers can take FMLA leave only for childbirth and baby bonding. They don’t realize that any medical appointments and pregnancy-related illnesses are also eligible for FMLA leave.

Don’t count on second opinion as an excuse to reject FMLA leave


If an employee gets a certification showing he has a serious health condition under the FMLA, you can request a second, independent assessment. But if the second opinion says the condition isn’t serious, that’s not the final word. FMLA regulations require a third opinion as the tie-breaker.

Work with your attorney to preserve evidence


These days, much of the evidence used in employment litigation is electronic—such as attendance records. Courts require employers to preserve such evidence when employers reasonably know that a lawsuit could arise. If evidence is destroyed, courts can impose heavy financial sanctions and even hand a win to the other side without a trial.

How not to handle FMLA leave: Do what Chicago did to a seriously ill employee

Here’s a chance to learn from an employer’s FMLA mistakes. Don’t make the same ones yourself.

How to ensure your employee handbook supports FMLA compliance

Employers are free to develop their own policies, but many laws have an absolute mandate—you must ensure employees receive proper notice of your policies. That’s why the FMLA section of your handbook is so important. Here’s your roadmap to full compliance with the FMLA’s notification requirements.

Offer FMLA, but still enforce attendance rules


Employees occasionally have to step in on short notice to help care for a family member and may legitimately need FMLA leave to handle those responsibilities. Go ahead and suggest FMLA time off. However, until the employee takes you up on the offer, you can hold her to your regular attendance policy.

You can fire worker out on FMLA leave–just show legitimate work-related reason


Some employees believe that applying for or taking FMLA leave insulates them from legitimate punishment. They think, “You can’t discipline me because I just took FMLA leave; that would be retaliation.” That just isn’t true.