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Long covid could trigger FMLA, ADA liability

Employers need to be ready to respond to more requests for both FMLA intermittent leave and ADA accommodations.

Investigate before firing alleged FMLA ‘liar’

Generally, employers are allowed to fire employees they believe lied about their need for FMLA leave. But there is an important proviso: The employer must act in good faith, showing it conducted an investigation into whether the employee was entitled to leave or not.

No FMLA? Consider time off as ADA accommodation

When an employee is ill but has no leave available, supervisors often tell them they must show up for work or else be fired. But firing her could be a huge mistake. She might have a disability that could be reasonably accommodated by offering unpaid leave.

Prepare to accommodate covid after-effects

Most people recover from covid-19 within a few weeks. However, reasonably large numbers of people who had the disease experience after-effects that may interfere with their ability to work. As a result, employers can expect to see more requests for ADA reasonable accommodations and FMLA intermittent leave.

Do your obligations follow digital nomads?

Many employees who worked remotely through the pandemic will soon begin returning to work in person this fall. Before then, however, many of your pandemic teleworkers are likely planning to hit the road this summer—and taking their laptops with them as they can continue to work remotely from some location away from home. Here’s what to consider before giving them the green light.

Fewer than 50 employees? FMLA could apply to you anyway

The FMLA provides job-protected, unpaid leave for employees who meet eligibility requirements. Eligibility depends on whether the employer is large enough to be covered by the law—with 50 or more employees. But there is another way an employer that isn’t big enough can be trapped into having to provide coverage.

Cost of denying pregnancy leave: $146,000

When an employee has pregnancy complications that might delay her return to work, consider offering additional leave. In addition to the FMLA, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act may compel employers to accommodate pregnant employees by granting time off.

With new COVID laws & increased scrutiny, now’s the time to rewrite your PTO policy

With an increased focus on employee leave in the public eye and new pandemic-related laws, companies with outdated paid time off policies could find themselves in messy legal situations. That makes now a good time to review and rewrite your PTO policies. Here are some issues to consider.

Injury? Offer FMLA, not just workers’ comp

The workers’ compensation system typically covers workplace injuries, but the FMLA may also apply. If someone is hurt at work, be prepared to notify the employee of her FMLA rights.

Most managers still don’t understand FMLA basics

Less than half (46%) of managers can name the benefits that the FMLA provides and even fewer (42%) know how long employees can be absent on FMLA leave, according to a test given to 435 managers by ClaimVantage.