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Once intermittent FMLA leave expires, reset eligibility clock and demand recertification

Employees who want to take additional intermittent leave under the FMLA must comply when their employer asks for recertification.

Employee returning from FMLA leave? It’s OK to ask about his ability to do the job

After employees take medically re­­lated FMLA leave, they sometimes aren’t able to physically perform their jobs. Employers can certainly raise the issue with the employee and can even terminate the employee if he or she can’t perform the job. Just make sure you keep the ADA limitations in mind.

Does the FMLA apply to employees who have domestic partners?


Q. Several of our employees live with domestic partners. Are our employees entitled to FMLA leave to care for a partner?

Can FMLA leave cover routine tardiness?

Q. Some of our employees routinely ask to use FMLA when they are five or 10 minutes late. It’s a scheduling nightmare and hurts morale. Does the FMLA cover employees who are consistently tardy?

When FMLA and ADA could be factors, consider both laws before denying return to work

An employee who takes FMLA leave is entitled to return to his job (or an equivalent one) when his leave is up if he can perform that job without any accommodation. However, if the employee is disabled under the ADA, he may be entitled to a reasonable accommodation under that law.

Calmly accept need for intermittent FMLA leave


Intermittent FMLA leave can be a pain, especially in industries where attendance is crucial. That’s particularly true in nursing and related fields. But employees who are otherwise eligible for intermittent FMLA leave can’t be denied that right merely because it’s inconvenient for employers …

What are the rules for requesting FMLA leave?

Q. Does an employee who wants to take FMLA leave have to specifically ask for it by name?

Good news: 3 years is limit for FMLA complaints

The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that there is a three-year time limit for employees to file FMLA claims in federal court. It said ­workers have three years from the time their rights were allegedly violated, even if the worker was demoted and lost pay or benefits still affecting her paycheck today.

Employee leave: When does the FMLA stop, and ADA begin?

FMLADA! Sometimes employment laws just look all blurry. Where does one law stop and the other law start? One court last month answered this question with a bright-line finding. The ADA doesn’t always have to kick in after FMLA leave …

Shopping for FMLA certification doesn’t justify failing to call in absence

Employees may need some time off to get their FMLA serious-health-condition forms certified. But that doesn’t mean they can stop showing up for work and ignore company call-in requirements during that time.