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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Create–and enforce–policy requiring honesty

Employers want honest ­employees who don’t lie, cheat or steal. To encourage honesty, be sure your company has a policy requiring honesty. That way, it’s easy to terminate someone you believe has acted dishonorably.

Be prepared to show court that your rules are fair

Courts want to leave employers in charge of running their organizations. They won’t second-guess the rules you set, as long as they don’t appear illegal or discriminatory—even petty or quirky rules.

Restrict FMLA leave info to those who need to know

A frequent tactic for employees who have used FMLA leave and who are fired around the same time is to allege that they were terminated for taking FMLA leave. But those claims fall apart if the person making the termination decision didn’t know about the leave. That’s reason enough to limit access to FMLA leave information to those who need to know.

New FMLA regs in effect: Update your military leave policy

In 2008, Congress expanded the FMLA to include two types of military leave: exigency leave and military caregiver leave. In 2010, Congress expanded those leave rights by applying them to the regular armed forces as well as National Guard members and reservists. Now those changes have been officially implemented with new regulations from the U.S. Department of Labor.

Offering settlement or severance? Don’t forget special ADEA rules

If you plan to offer an employee age 40 or older a severance payment in exchange for promising not to sue, don’t forget to include Age Dis­­crimi­­na­­tion in Employment Act review-and-consult language in the agreement. The ADEA has very specific requirements for allowing the employee to show severance agreements to an attorney before signing.

First things first on FMLA: Check eligibility before approving leave

Employers are seeing a surge in requests for intermittent leave in cases where employees need to take parents or children to medical appointments. Before you approve such a request for intermittent leave, make sure you are satisfied with the employee’s medical certification.

Ensure supervisors understand they must be alert for FMLA scenarios

Employees don’t always know to ask specifically for FMLA leave. Some may not even know they are entitled to time off for a serious health condition. But that doesn’t mean you can ignore the obvious and discipline a worker for missing work when it’s clear he or she may be entitled to FMLA leave.

New FMLA regs in effect: Update your military leave policy

In 2008, Congress expanded the FMLA to include two types of military leave: exigency leave and military caregiver leave. In 2010, Congress expanded those leave rights by applying them to the regular armed forces as well as National Guard members and reservists. Now those changes have been officially implemented with new regulations from the DOL.

DOL issues final FMLA military caregiver, exigency leave regs

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued final regulations expanding the FMLA’s caregiver and military exigency leave provisions to include more employees and cover veterans. The new regs formalize amendments included in 2010 defense spending legislation.

Can unmarried couple both take FMLA leave for newborn?

Q. A while ago two of our employees developed a romantic relationship. They are now expecting a baby and both put in a request for family leave to bond with their newborn. Are we required to give both workers leave for the birth of their child—even if they are not married?