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FMLA doesn’t apply to workers who try to deceive you

If you discover that one of your employees has either misused or lied about his leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), you’re well within your rights to fire …

Too small for FMLA? Don’t be too sure

Issue: Even if it employs fewer than 50 people, your organization could be subject to FMLA compliance.
Risk: Being affiliated with another organization could mean that, together, the two organizations …

Ask on-Leave employees to tell you when they’ll return


Q. Is it legal to require that employees on FMLA leave report to us regularly on their plans to return to work? —P.R., New York

Treat FMLA policy changes with care, communication


When establishing or changing your Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) policy, make sure you include it in your employee handbook. Don’t rely on references to the policy outside the book, and don’t attach or staple the policy separately.

Behavior change can spark FMLA notice

Perk up if an employee’s spotless performance suddenly deteriorates. That alone, even if the employee never mentions a word about a health condition, …

Stop FMLA moonlighters with strict ‘no moonlighting on leave’ policy

It seems crazy that your employees can use their allotted 12 weeks of annual job-protected leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) to work at a second job. But …

FMLA: State workers can sue for FMLA violations, too.

In a shift from its recent trend of holding states immune from federal law, the Supreme Court affirmed the right of state employees to file lawsuits relating to the Family …

Cosmetic surgery usually won’t qualify for FMLA leave


Q. One of our employees is having cosmetic surgery and plans to take leave. Would that fall under the FMLA, or would it be a leave of absence? —K.H., Connecticut

Employee behavior change can count as FMLA ‘notice’

Issue: You may need to somehow decipher employees’ need for FMLA leave from a “sudden behavior change.”
Risk: Dramatically expands employees’ protection under FMLA.
Action: Warn managers to notify …

Rewrite policy to prevent moonlighting during FMLA leave

Issue: Unless your policy prevents it, employees can work a second job while out on medical-related FMLA leave.
Risk: Reduced productivity as employees “work” the system.
Action: To prevent …