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You can’t directly call doctor for FMLA information


There’s a right way and a wrong way to make sure employees have a “serious” condition that qualifies for FMLA leave

Failing to track FMLA leave requests erases your right to challenge time off


It’s crucial to keep meticulous FMLA records, from requests to approvals to return-to-work discussions. If you fail to create a solid paper trail, courts will resolve any questions in the employee’s favor …

Planning for a pandemic flu: Is your organization prepared?


After preparing for Y2K, anthrax and hurricanes, HR and legal professionals must now turn their attention to pandemic planning …

Worker fails to give FMLA proof? Cut ‘Em loose


Q. One of our employees had been out sick for two months. We’ve received a doctor’s note that just says he’s unable to work and that a return date is undetermined. We faxed and mailed FMLA paperwork, but it hasn’t been returned. Meanwhile, the employee is receiving disability benefits through our short-term disability plan. How do we calculate the start of FMLA leave? From the date the disability payment began? And if we never get the FMLA paperwork back, can we terminate him? T.B., Tennessee

Are certain industries exempt from the FMLA?


Q. I’ve heard that not all industries are covered by the FMLA. Are trucking companies exempt? If so, we have several employees out on workers’ compensation and FMLA leave. Can we fire them? —T.Z., New York

RIF after FMLA leave? Possible, but proceed with caution


If you terminate an employee soon after he or she has returned from FMLA leave, you open yourself to charges of retaliation …

Make sure absence policy doesn’t clash with FMLA


Warning: If you terminate employees who take more than 12 weeks off in a given period, you may be violating the FMLA even if you allow employees their full FMLA allotment of 12 weeks unpaid leave …

Keep good records of employee leaves; workers have three years to file FMLA suits


It pays to keep some records longer than you think you’ll need them. For example, any notes, correspondence, medical certifications and other documents related to an employee’s FMLA leave request should be kept a minimum of three years …

Employee acting out of character? Balance safety, liability


An otherwise good employee is acting out of character, and you think she needs help. Do you insist she contact the employee assistance program (EAP), and send her home? …

Small subsidiary isn’t subject to FMLA if separate from parent


S.P. Richards Co. (SPR), a Smyrna office-supply wholesaler, recently won an FMLA victory when the 1st Circuit Court of Appeals determined it would be considered separately from its parent company, Genuine Parts Co. …