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Require certification if intermittent leave ‘Need’ might be bogus


It’s one of the most challenging FMLA problems: An employee with a chronic health condition says she needs intermittent leave and uses it as an excuse to take time off whenever she wants. You suspect she’s taking advantage of your organization, but worry that turning her down may trigger an FMLA lawsuit

Log for leave requests can save the day


Problem employees—the kind that see discrimination, harassment and retaliation every time a supervisor so much as issues an oral warning for anything—won’t hesitate to sue and charge retaliation. They may even seek redress for minor slights by requesting FMLA leave and trying to trip you up if your response is not to their liking

Recalled employee may be eligible for FMLA leave


When employees are temporarily laid off with the right to return during a recall, all the regular rules for FMLA time off apply on the day of the recall. That’s because a break in service doesn’t destroy the employee’s eligibility …

You can include FMLA waiver in severance agreement


Until recently, it was unclear whether Pennsylvania employers could require employees to give up the right to sue for FMLA violations in exchange for severance payments. That was because the FMLA explicitly says employees can’t waive their FMLA rights as a condition of employment

In FMLA case, you must be present before you can leave


A woman who worked for the Philadelphia Water Department lost her FMLA claim because she did not meet the basic employment qualifications …

Same job, new management: Are employees covered by the FMLA?


Q. What is the policy on FMLA for workers who are employed by a county facility that puts their contracts out for bids? Let’s say the workers are employed by the first successful bidder for, say, three years and then the contract is re-bid. Another company wins the bid, takes over the job and keeps the same employees. Do their hours worked carry over even though it is a different employer? I could not find a reference to this problem in the FMLA guidelines.

Clarify employee’s leave status the easy way: Jusk ask


If your organization has a strict attendance policy, you naturally want to make sure you don’t miscount FMLA absences in the tally, or you risk an interference-with-leave lawsuit. But how are you supposed to know whether an absence is for an FMLA reason? If the employee never gives a reason for an absence or simply says he or she is sick, that’s not enough to require further inquiry on your part …

Court: Intermittent FMLA leave won’t cover tardiness, bathroom breaks


Employees are becoming well versed in the FMLA game, and you’re paying the price. Unscheduled intermittent leaves now account for a huge portion of all FMLA leaves of absence. And while the law does allow employees to take FMLA leave in small bites for a doctor’s visit or to care for a sick relative, it doesn’t give them unfettered rights to random work breaks or to arrive late without a good excuse …

FMLA in a Nutshell: How to Comply With the Family and Medical Leave Act

White Paper published by The HR Specialist, copyright 2009 ______________________ The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), which became law in 1993, provides qualified employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave per year for the birth or adoption of a child, for caring for a spouse or an immediate family member with a […]

Cutting an employee’s pay is perfectly legal, but first review his potential for a bias lawsuit


Employers can cut an employee’s compensation at any time for any nondiscriminatory reason, as long as the person isn’t covered by a union contract or other agreement …