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How to navigate the intersection of the ADA and the FMLA


When an employee needs time off due to a mental or physical impairment, he or she potentially could have rights under both the ADA and the FMLA. You must first determine whether one or both laws cover the employee. From there, you’ll know which rights the employee has. And any decision you make must take these rights into account … 

Is intermittent leave allowed to help parent move?


Q. An employee takes intermittent leave to care for his parent. Do situations like helping his mother move to a new location qualify as FMLA leave? — B.D., Nevada …

Verifying FMLA leave for chronic conditions


Q. An employee has a chronic condition that’s been medically certified. What information can we request to verify that his absences relate to his medical condition? — D.J., Florida …

Accommodation may mean leave plus reinstatement


Employees who take their 12 weeks of FMLA and California Family Rights Act leave don’t lose the right to reinstatement once their time off expires. In fact, additional time off may be a reasonable accommodation under both the ADA and the California Fair Employment and Housing Act. What’s more, that additional medical leave would have to be accompanied by the right to reinstatement …

Carefully consider FMLA request to prevent double damages


The FMLA has a built-in penalty for intentionally interfering with the law. Courts can double the damages when they believe an employer acted to circumvent the FMLA. Acting in good faith is the key. Even if a court finds in favor of an employee’s FMLA complaint, you may be able to avoid paying double if you can show you carefully considered whether the employee was eligible for FMLA leave …

Refusing to return from leave


Q. A worker who was injured on the job but now is better is refusing to return from leave. What can we do? …

Set crystal-Clear rules governing employee absences


Employers are free to set reasonable no-call/no-show rules for all absences, including those that qualify for FMLA time off.  On the other hand, if you discharge someone for failing to follow a rule that doesn’t spell out exactly how you expect employees to call in, don’t be surprised if you end up embroiled in a long, time-consuming and expensive legal battle …

Colorado’s Leave Laws

All Colorado employers, both public and private, must provide limited paid leave to workers called for jury duty and must allow time off for workers to vote. Additionally, state employees are entitled to family and medical leave as well as paid leave for organ donation and disaster services work …

Minnesota Leave Laws

Minnesota employees have enhanced parental leave options beyond what the federal FMLA provides. Additionally, all Minnesota employers must provide paid time off to allow workers to vote and unpaid leave for jury duty …

FMLA leave for military families: What you need to know about new rules and poster


For the first time, the FMLA has been amended—a brand new law grants family members of military  men and women special FMLA leave rights.