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Know the law: Simply taking FMLA leave doesn’t necessarily mean worker is disabled


Generally, someone whose condition qualifies as a disability under the ADA is probably also entitled to FMLA leave when that disability flares up. But the reverse is not always true.

The HR I.Q. Test: December ’08


Test your knowledge of recent trends in employment law, comp & benefits and other HR issues with our monthly mini-quiz …

‘Sweeping’ changes in store for HR & employers


Change. America voted for it, and the HR world will certainly receive its fair share next year. The arrival in Washington of President-elect Obama and a firmly Democratic-controlled Congress will spark an array of legislative and regulatory proposals that could rewrite the employment law rule book.

Can we make employees use sick leave for FMLA?


Q. Our employees earn paid sick and vacation leave. Can we require them to use their paid leave at the same time they take unpaid FMLA leave? Otherwise, it seems as if they could use up paid leave and still take 12 unpaid weeks off.

How to merge workers’ comp and FMLA


Q. One of our employees was injured on the job. She went to the hospital the same night, had surgery and was out of work for eight days. Can we apply FMLA leave or sick leave to that time, even if she ends up being paid through workers’ comp?

The new FMLA: Top 10 changes you must comply with


On Nov. 17, the U.S. Department of Labor finalized the first major overhaul of the FMLA regulations in 15 years. Some changes favor employers, but others will make FMLA compliance trickier than ever. Here’s what’s in store. BONUS! HR Specialist will hold an audio conference briefing to help you comply with the new regs.

Don’t deduct FMLA leave from hours worked when calculating absenteeism ratio


Just when you thought you had mastered the intricacies of the FMLA, employees and their lawyers have come up with a new trick that could trip you. This one involves how employers calculate attendance under no-fault absenteeism programs.

How must employees ask for FMLA leave?


Q. Does an employee have to say that she wants to “take FMLA leave” in order to satisfy the requirement that she notify her employer of her “intent to take leave”? What must an employee tell an employer to preserve her right to take FMLA leave?

Is it legal to ask departing workers to waive FMLA claims?


Q. In our severance agreements, we typically require a terminated employee to waive all claims, including FMLA claims that could have arisen while the employee worked for us. I’ve now heard that it is improper for employers to get waivers of FMLA rights from existing employees. What should we do?

New FMLA regs one step closer to final approval


The U.S. Labor Department is set to implement the first major revision of the FMLA since the law was passed in 1993. If approved, the proposed changes could help employers administer the complex 15-year-old law and avoid lawsuits. But the proposal carries a few extra burdens for employers, too.