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Can we terminate a no-call/no-show employee?


Q. We have an employee who has missed the last several days of work without notice. We also have a policy that says employees who miss three days without notice are deemed to have resigned and are terminated. Are there any legal risks associated with terminating this employee?

Miscalculated FMLA? Just let employee know


It’s easy enough to do. While calculating an employee’s remaining FMLA leave, you make a mistake and tell the employee he has to return by a certain day when in fact his leave expires earlier. How can you fix the problem if you discover it while the employee is out on leave? Just let him know that you made a calculation mistake and give him the correct information—before he has to return.

Poor review not grounds for FMLA retaliation suit


All by itself, a negative performance review after an employee has taken FMLA leave doesn’t give the employee a reason to file a lawsuit. Unless the poor review is accompanied by something tangible—like a demotion or the loss of a pay increase—courts won’t see the review as retaliation.

You can discharge disabled employee if there’s no way to know when she’ll return


Employers don’t have to provide a disabled employee with an indefinite leave of absence when the employee has a medical emergency and doesn’t know how long it will take to return to work. As long as the employee isn’t covered by the FMLA (in which case, she would be entitled to 12 unpaid weeks of leave), you can terminate her without violating the ADA.

Can we request FMLA recertification for each migraine?


Q. If an employee constantly calls in sick because of migraine headaches, how can we verify the real reasons for the absences? Can we ask for information each time the employee is absent?

Pregnant poor performer: Can we fire her?


Q. We have a pregnant employee who is planning to take maternity leave soon. Her performance has deteriorated badly during her pregnancy, but we don’t think her pregnancy has anything to do with it. Can we terminate?

An hour of intermittent FMLA leave? A half hour? 15 minutes? How low can employees go?


An employee approved for intermittent FMLA leave says she only needs to take an hour this week. Can she take leave in such a short increment? Could she take even less?

Suspect FMLA leave abuse? Tread carefully


Employees who take intermittent FMLA leave can often cause real problems for employers because they take time off so sporadically. But sometimes you may detect a pattern that indicates the employee might be abusing authorized intermittent leave. Can you fire him?

On-demand leave isn’t reasonable accommodation


Some employees think that any disability that periodically acts up entitles them to unlimited time off. Sometimes, courts view extra time off as a reasonable accommodation, but there are limits.

Check bankruptcy cases when sued—you just might win a quick dismissal


Employees who file for bankruptcy are supposed to list all their assets in their bankruptcy petitions, including pending lawsuits or potential lawsuit claims. That’s because creditors may be entitled to a share of those assets to satisfy debts. The reason: It’s unfair to creditors for someone to discharge their debts and then collect a million-dollar judgment from her employer.