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OK to discipline for leaving work ‘feeling sick’

If a worker tells her supervisor she’s having a flareup of a serious health condition and must leave, that may invoke the FMLA, the ADA or both. But a run-of-the-mill, “I feel sick and am going home” declaration isn’t protected activity.

Calling off sick doesn’t trigger FMLA rights notice

Employers are obliged to let employees know about their FMLA rights—when it’s clear they are dealing with a serious health condition. Merely calling off sick won’t cut it.

DOL issues temporary paid leave regs

The Department of Labor has issued temporary regulations covering the paid leave provisions of the Families First Coronavirus Response Act. The temporary regs became effective April 1, 2020, and will expire Dec. 31, 2020. The regs will appear in the Federal Register on April 6.

Who is and isn’t eligible for emergency leave?

Central to the Families First Coronavirus Response Act, which took effect April 1, are provisions granting emergency paid sick leave and paid family leave to certain employees who have been affected by the pandemic. However, there is lots of confusion about who may take that leave and how much they will be paid.

DOL issues employer guidance on leave provisions of FFCRA

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has issued a new round of guidance telling employers how to comply with the paid sick leave and expanded family and medical leave benefits written into the Families First Coronavirus Response Act that went into effect April 1.

Emergency law grants paid sick, FMLA leave

Many employees affected by the coronavirus pandemic will be eligible for paid sick leave and some will be able to take paid FMLA leave under legislation signed into law March 18.

House passes coronavirus rescue bill

Using expedited procedures, the House of Representatives passed the Families First Coronavirus Response Act (H.R. 6201) early March 14. The Senate is expected to pass a similar measure within days, and President Trump has said he will sign it into law.

DOL offers Q&As addressing coronavirus and FLSA, FMLA

The Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division has released new guidance on how coronavirus and COVID-19 affect compliance with the Fair Labor Standards Act and the FMLA.

Warn supervisors: Never harass or retaliate against workers who take FMLA leave

Train your supervisors on all forms of harassment, including harassment against employees who exercise their FMLA rights. Making life difficult for those who have taken or may take protected FMLA leave can backfire badly.

Employee misses work? Check FMLA eligibility

Once an employer realizes leave might be FMLA-covered, it must send the employee an FMLA eligibility notice. That way, the employee knows how to formally request leave. Failing to send the notice after suspecting the employee is eligible is a separate FMLA violation.