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Obama: Higher minimum for fed contractors’ employees

President Obama plans to issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay employees at least $10.10 per hour, starting in 2015.

FLSA to cover home health care workers in 2015

Beginning Jan. 1, 2015, staffing agencies and other third-party employers must pay minimum wages and overtime to home health care workers, including certified nursing assistants, home health aides, personal care aides, caregivers and certain companions.

High Court: CBA can address ‘donning, doffing’

The U.S. Supreme Court handed employers a major victory on Jan. 27 when it ruled unanimously that workers need not be paid to change into and out of protective gear if a union contract has already specified that the time isn’t compensable.

Obama to order higher minimum wage for fed contractor employees

President Obama plans to issue an executive order requiring federal contractors to pay employees at least $10.10 per hour, starting in 2015. The announcement came during Obama’s State of the Union address.

FLSA: Overtime and Base-Rate Pay


HR Law 101: Employers must pay overtime to nonexempt employees who work more than 40 hours in a single workweek. The overtime rate is one and a half times an employee’s hourly rate. If an employee earns a fixed hourly rate with no other compensation, computing the base rate is easy. But in many cases, it’s not so simple …

Unpaid internships could be very expensive for employers


By some estimates, more than a million people participate in internships each year in the United States, as many as half of them unpaid or for less than the minimum wage. That can be a problem for em­­ployers: Misclassifying employees as unpaid interns can result in costly litigation, civil fines or both.

Do we have to pay for time driving between offices?

Q. Some of our employees leave the office at night with supplies. Then they drive to another office the next day (40 minutes away) with those supplies. What is the correct way to pay them for this?

Class action settlements fell sharply in 2013

Advantage employers! A new legal landscape is working against employees who file work-related class-action suits, following key U.S. Supreme Court decisions. Result: 2013 class-action settlements were lower than since 2006.

Make sure your pay policies properly address meal breaks

Paying employees for break time—or not paying them—is one of the trickiest aspects of wage-and-hour law compliance. Know your obligations!

AG announces partnership to combat misclassification


Attorney General Eric T. Schneider­­man has signed a memorandum of understanding that allows his office to cooperate with both the federal and New York Departments of Labor to battle worker misclassification.