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Overtime rules appeal deadline pushed back to May 1

The fate of the Department of Labor’s long-delayed new overtime pay rules will not be known for several more weeks. That doesn’t bode well for their eventual enactment.

Never, ever ignore an employee’s lawsuit

Employers that don’t respond to a former employee’s lawsuit are making a big mistake—even if they truly believe the lawsuit has no merit.

Sued by nonexempts eligible for bonuses? Get out your calculator and checkbook

All the math adds up to one conclusion: Employers better get their pay systems right.

Beware triple whammy after FLSA retaliation

Employers that retaliate against employees who file Fair Labor Standards Act claims don’t just face the prospect of owing back pay, plus double that amount in liquidated damages. They also potentially face a damage award for emotional distress.

Trump administration seeks 30-day delay for overtime rule appeal

The Department of Justice is asking for more time to file briefs in a related 5th Circuit Court of Appeals case.

Tricky compensation arrangements are not a do-it-yourself project

If you are tempted to use obscure provisions of California’s labor and employment laws to pay your employees, make sure you (and your attorney) pay close attention to the details.

California Supreme Court’s big break ruling: Workers must be completely relieved of duties

On Dec. 22, 2016, the Supreme Court of California ruled that California law prohibits on-duty and on-call rest periods.

Santa Ana, Calif. eatery serves up $96K in back OT, penalties

The couple who owns El Calamar restaurant in Orange County has agreed to settle federal charges that they violated the Fair Labor Standards Act when they failed to pay cooks for all the overtime they worked.

Job–not job description–counts for exemption

A job description that specifies that an employee’s position is exempt and delineates job duties that fit an exemption isn’t enough to establish exempt status.

Overtime changes still on hold; likely shelved by Trump’s DOL

The controversial changes to U.S. overtime law—on hold since a Texas court’s Nov. 22 preliminary injunction—are still frozen in the courts.