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Carefully consider duties and time spent performing them when classifying employees

Exempt employees don’t qualify for overtime, of course. That makes it tempting to classify as many positions as possible as exempt. But if you get that wrong, you could lose big in court.

Missed payrolls add up to FLSA violations in Riverside, Calif.

A U.S. Department of Labor investigation found that Carnegie Schools Riverside, a private Christian school, failed to make several payrolls to teachers, substitute teachers, coaches, administrative aides and cafeteria workers.

Under MFLSA, double damages mandatory

Under the Minnesota Fair Labor Standards Act, employers found to have underpaid workers by not paying the state minimum wage or by not calculating overtime correctly must pay workers what they are owed. The MFLSA also provides for a penalty of doubling the amount owed.

Rely on Motor Carrier Act to exempt drivers? Show you’re engaged in interstate commerce

Some workers are covered by the Motor Carrier Act exemption, which essentially says that workers involved in trucking that crosses state lines don’t have to be paid overtime. But recent court decisions have narrowed that MCA exemption, requiring employers to clearly prove they are engaged in interstate trucking.

Lunch break pay dispute costs Lubbock, Texas hospital $200K

University Medical Center in Lubbock, Texas, has agreed to pay 197 emergency room employees $199,175 to settle charges it deducted 30 minutes of paid time from each employee’s time card whether the employee took lunch or not.

Pennsylvania Supreme Court to weigh fluctuating workweek OT method

The Pennsylvania Supreme Court has agreed to hear a case that could affect how employers pay overtime to nonexempt salaried employees in the Commonwealth. At issue is whether employers may use the fluctuating workweek option allowed under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act.

DOL seeks public input on how overtime rules should change

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division will hold a series of public listening sessions in cities nationwide to gather views on possible revisions to the rules governing who is eligible to receive overtime pay.

DOL seeks public input on how overtime rules should change

The U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division will hold a series of public listening sessions in cities nationwide to gather views on possible revisions to the rules governing who is eligible to receive overtime pay.

Failure to pay for drive time costs Bay Area company

Bay Area Underpinning, a foundation repair company in Fairfield, will pay $62,672 to 16 employees after investigators discovered the company failed to pay employees for time they spent driving from their last worksite of the day back to the office.

8th Circuit slaps down DOL in FLSA case

The Department of Labor has suffered a rare rebuke after it tried to press an employer to reveal information that might expand a Fair Labor Standards Act claim to cover related entities.