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DOL serious about nursing mother protections

The U.S. Department of Labor has issued one of its first milk-expression break citations on the Trump administration’s watch.

New DOL opinion letters address wage-and-hour issues

The DOL issued four opinion letters in early November in response to employer requests. All the letters dealt in some way with how to comply with the FLSA.

New York City enacts new lactation room requirement

Effective March 19, 2019, employers with at least four employees must have a lactation policy and lactation room available for employees.

$3.2 million bill for contractor misclassification

A recent settlement shows just how much the U.S. Department of Labor dislikes seeing employers game the system by trying to classify employees as independent contractors.

Worker demands back overtime? Investigate and, if warranted, pay up

If an employer pays overtime incorrectly, it may be liable for up to two years of unpaid overtime, doubled as a penalty. But if an employer’s overtime mistake is “willful,” that liability reaches back another year, adding to the cost.

Prepare for new labor and employment laws

With 2019 just around the corner, now is the time to preview labor and employment laws that will soon affect employers.

California courts take a hard line on independent contractor classification

Two recent California court decisions have made it much harder for California businesses to establish that workers are independent contractors rather than employees.

DOL opinion letters address FLSA questions

The U.S. Department of Labor is making up for lost time. After suspending DOL opinion letters for most of the Obama administration, it has issued a blizzard of them in the last year. Here are two interesting recent ones.

$385k judgment against Yonkers health care facility

A nursing home in Yonkers and its owner will have to pay over $385,000 in back pay and penalties to 81 employees after investigators found numerous violations of the Fair Labor Standards Act.

Midterms to affect employment law landscape

Two years of Republican control of Washington ended Nov. 6 with Democrats seizing control of the House of Representatives. That gives Democrats some say on setting the legislative agenda, including employment law issues.