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Sales staff may be exempt from minimum wage


Q. We are planning to change the pay of one employee from straight salary to a lower salary plus commission. How can we do this without violating wage law? —G.T., South Dakota

Treat unauthorized overtime as discipline issue


Q. We verbally warned an employee not to work overtime. Recently, he claimed to have worked 56 hours straight, eating and sleeping only on regular break times. The timecards say he was here, but we don’t have any night staff, so we can’t verify if he was actually at work. Is there anything we can do? —S.T., Michigan

State Law Varies on When Clock Tolls for Overtime


Q. What’s the definition of a standard workweek? One of our employees claims that overtime is defined as anything over eight hours per workday. Is he correct? —P.F., Minnesota

Deductions endanger exempt status

A group of New York City employees was designated as salaried and exempt from overtime, but several regulations subjected city workers to pay deductions and suspension for absences. None of these …

Know the law on what’s considered paid and unpaid on-call time

Electronic technicians for Oklahoma Gas & Electric were required to monitor pagers and home computers while they were on call nights and weekends. Even though …

Don’t ‘shoot the messenger’, retaliation claim will usually stick

Restaurant manager Peter Ball knew that one of his waiters was preparing to sue the restaurant for unpaid overtime under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). When Ball alerted the company …

Management meeting counts as work time


Q. Last week, we asked a nonexempt employee to come in 30 minutes before her regular start time to talk to her about a complaint that had come to our attention. Do we have to pay her for the time spent in discussions with management? —G.B., Kentucky

Age-related laws: Liability lurks at both ends of spectrum

Federal employment laws protect workers from cradle to grave, but in very different ways. For young workers, the law prevents them from performing dangerous …

Extra travel time counts as work time


Q. One of our executives will be making day trips once a week to New York from Washington, D.C., for a special assignment, and her secretary will be accompanying her. The secretary’s regular workday is 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The trips will require the secretary to arrive at the airport by 7:30 a.m., and she’ll be back in Washington by 8 p.m. Do we have to compensate the nonexempt secretary for her travel time to and from New York? —L.L., Washington, D.C.

Plan for legal consequences of flextime, job sharing

It’s no secret that offering flextime and job-sharing arrangements can help your company retain valued employees and develop a more committed work …