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Discrimination / Harassment

Track requests to show: It was his idea!

When an employee asks for a transfer or some other change to his working conditions, be sure you track the request. That way, if he later alleges coercion, discrimination or retaliation, you can show it was all his idea in the first place.

Watch 180-day deadline for complaints under Texas Commission on Human Rights Act

Employees alleging discrimination under the Texas Commission on Human Rights Act have 180 days from the date of the last discriminatory act to file complaints with either the Texas Commission on Human Rights or the EEOC.

Tell bosses: Stifle all age-related comments

It’s your job to make sure no one in authority makes comments that can be perceived as ageist, sexist, racist or otherwise discriminatory. Ignoring comments won’t make them go away.

Failure to grant more leave costs Fresno company $1.75M

Family HealthCare Network in Fresno will pay $1.75 million to settle charges that its inflexible leave policies discriminated against disabled and pregnant employees.

Sexual harassment doesn’t always have to focus on sexual activity

An intense focus on sexual activity or sex characteristics isn’t always necessary to prove sexual harassment. As long as the victim can link the behavior she’s calling harassment to her sex in some way, she’s got a case.

Beverly Hills faces onslaught of lawsuits against top cop

Almost 10% of the Beverly Hills Police Department’s officers have sued the chief of police, Sandra Spagnoli, alleging sexual misconduct and bigotry.

Job descriptions: Why you need ’em, how to write ’em

Federal labor law requires HR professionals to do a lot of different things. Writing job descriptions is not one of them. Because this arduous task is optional, many organizations skip right over it. That’s not wise. There are many practical and legal reasons to draft (and up­­date) job descriptions.

Note all details that led up to discipline

Having good documentation of your reasoning will often persuade a judge or jury that discrimination wasn’t the real reason for differing discipline, and that you legitimately used discretion to arrive at the appropriate punishment.

Justify why you decided not to follow the ‘same rule violation, same punishment’ rule

Generally, if two employees break the same workplace rule and don’t have any prior violations, you should punish them the same way. But that doesn’t mean you can’t make judgment calls on which one may deserve more severe punishment, including discharge.

Supreme Court could address LGBT bias

The U.S. Supreme Court could decide in the next few weeks whether to hear cases that ask if Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination on the basis of sex also bans discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees.