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Discrimination / Harassment

You may have to pay for worker’s sexual harassment defense

Russell Jacobus, the CFO of a six-person investment banking firm, had a friendly relationship with secretary Rosie Vera-Aviles that included sexual banter. At her request …

Boost your immigration IQ

There are six million illegal immigrants in the United States and tough federal sanctions against businesses that hire them. But your business can benefit from federal immigration law by taking advantage …

Be careful when altering pregnant worker’s pay


Q. If a pregnant employee is salaried and is missing two days of work a week, can we legally make her an hourly employee? When the employee was hired, her contract should have been hourly. Is it legal to change the basis of her pay now? —C.H., Michigan

Don’t ask reference things you wouldn’t ask candidate


Q. I know that it’s illegal to ask applicants certain questions, like whether they are married. Are there any questions I can’t ask a previous employer or reference? —F.T., Maine

Older replacement won’t erase age bias claim

After a financially strapped hospital turned over its collection and registration duties to an outside vendor, four female workers over age 40 lost …

Firing can’t masquerade as a one-person rif

Elizabeth Bellaver, a manager at a manufacturing plant, consistently earned excellent job evaluations. But her supervisor noted problems with her …

‘Direct threat’ no longer required to bar former substance abusers

After the 1989 Valdez oil spill cost it billions of dollars, Exxon tightened its policy on recovered substance abusers. It permanently removed any employee who had been …

To the winner goes … the loser’s legal bill

Houston police officer David Garcia was denied a transfer to the city’s SWAT team even though his evaluations ranked higher than three of the four officers selected. One reason Garcia …

Straight talk, business reasons help shoot down bias lawsuit

Vendors, customers and employees had complained about Jane Sturdivan, a 59-year-old office manager. But her fate was sealed when a 24-year-old office accountant …

Seinfeld jokester loses award

If you were stunned when a jury awarded $26.6 million to Jerold Mackenzie for wrongful discharge after he was fired for discussing a sexual innuendo …