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Discrimination / Harassment

Grooming policies: Establish limits, not discrimination

Frank’s boss asked him to quit wearing his earring to work. Frank refused, arguing that women in the office were allowed to wear earrings. He was fired and then sued for …

Steer Clear of Asking About Religion


Q. When, if ever, can our company legally ask an applicant about his or her religious affiliation? —R.M., Illinois

Co-worker romance: Set a policy that balances rights, liability

Jess McCavitt claims his company withheld a promotion and then fired him for being romantically involved with another officer in the company. He said their relationship had no effect on their …

It pays to ‘check’ the details.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals tossed out a jury award to Sherman Jones, who sued under state age discrimination law. Reason: When Jones filed his complaint with the Equal …

Stray age remark buys you a ticket to court

In removing Paul DeBrow as president of Century 21, the executive vice president allegedly said, “You’re too old for this shit.” Michigan’s Supreme Court says that’s enough direct evidence of possible …

Take direct approach to firing

As Mary Flaherty saw it, her bosses at Metromail were running an organized campaign to make her so miserable that she’d quit. Flaherty, 61, says supervisors subjected her to sexist and …

Stamp out harassment without trampling on free speech

A CEO, an HR manager and an attorney walk into a bar …. If any joke in the workplace makes you think, “lawsuit!”, you aren’t alone. The laws requiring you …

Don’t shrug off same-race harassment

Odis Ross’ boss at the county jail refused to call him Officer Ross. Instead, he addressed him as “black boy” and “nigger” and often referred to Ross’ wife, who is white, …

Leaving spot vacant won’t erase promotion bias

Branford Dodoo, an African-American, was continually passed over for advancement at his place of employment. In one case, a promotion went to a younger white male who had been with …

Avoid equal pay suit by comparing employees’ duties, not titles

Laurie Howard was promoted from secretary to HR coordinator for a United Technologies Automotive plant with 53 employees, all on salary. The head of the plant recommended she be promoted …