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Discrimination / Harassment

Document the factors you weigh for promotions

Keep careful records of the factors you consider when making promotion decisions. That’s especially true if you don’t give much weight to objective factors such as past performance reviews.

Beware sexist slights, which can quickly add up to a hostile work environment

Courts are becoming more sensitive to claims that what some may have long considered “harmless” behavior has a real effect on women’s careers and can create a sexually hostile work environment.

Workplace fight? OK to punish based on severity of injuries

If two workers fight, employers are free to issue harsher punishment to the worker who inflicts the most severe injuries. Just make sure you document exactly why you believe the more aggressive worker deserves greater punishment.

‘Bro culture’ in West L.A. brings suspension, lawsuit

Riot Games, developer of the “League of Legends” e-sport game, has suspended Chief Operating Officer Scott Gelb following an investigation of his alleged workplace antics.

No-fighting rule? Punish combatants equally

You probably have a rule against any form of violence in the workplace. Make sure you uniformly discipline everyone involved in any altercation.

No absolute requirement to notify laid-off workers that their jobs are open again

Sometimes, workers who are laid off are told they’re eligible for rehire. But absent a specific promise to call if there’s a job opening, employees can’t wait months or years to complain about discrimination when they discover the job was open and someone else filled it.

MHRA mandates 45 days to file complaints, but court opts to give employees much longer

The Court of Appeals of Minnesota has made it a bit easier for employees to sue for discrimination under the Minnesota Human Rights Act.

Guthrie Theater wins arbitration case alleging unfair hiring

The renowned Guthrie Theater in Minneapolis has prevailed in a case alleging two employees were unfairly denied job opportunities.

Harassment training has changed in the #MeToo era

The #MeToo movement has resulted in a sharp increase in the number of employers doing preventative training to head off sexual harassment claims, says a Bloomberg Law report.

Managers hold key to stopping harassment

Employers have an affirmative obligation to prevent sexual harassment (and other forms of harassment, too). The front line of the anti-harassment battle sits at the spot where managers interact with their subordinates.