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Discrimination / Harassment

Blue Mondays? Thwart Attempt at 3-Day Weekends


Q. How can we handle an employee who routinely uses vacation and sick time on Mondays? —D.M., Ohio

Staring can be sexual harassment

Assembly-line worker Michelle Birschtein complained to her foreman when a forklift driver made sexual remarks to her. The driver never spoke to her again, but he did stare at her, five …

Each paycheck can equal a discriminatory act

After six years on the job, Gerard Cardenas quit and sued his company, alleging that he was paid less because he is a Mexican American. A lower court tossed out his …

Off-Duty Parties Sometimes Carry Liability


Q. A recent sexual harassment complaint reported the conduct of management employees at a private party. The party was outside the normal workday and wasn’t sponsored by the company. What is the company’s liability? —W.S., Wisconsin

Keep your workplace safe for pregnant employees

Verona Meyer was about 35 weeks pregnant when she slipped while working at a Burger King and struck her lower abdomen on the corner of a table. The baby was born …

Don’t leave victim in doubt about response to harassment

It started innocently enough. After Romelia Frazier’s car was stolen, she rode to work for several months with another Delco employee, Bester Spears. He had just divorced a woman who had …

To keep arbitration clause legal, ensure workers’ cost is reasonable

When SFX bought a New York radio station, it required all workers to sign a binding arbitration clause. Station employee Tracy Christopher later accused the company of gender and pregnancy …

Use peer job reviews to fight rising bias claims

Adding a peer review element to your performance reviews can help prevent claims that negative evaluations stem from discrimination. More companies are doing it. Twenty-eight percent of companies now have …

High court to tackle immigrant rights, standards for cases

Nearly half the cases accepted for review so far in the U.S. Supreme Court’s new term are business related, the highest amount in at least nine years, according to the National …

New managers:Stick to promised accommodations

When Gertrude Abramson was hired as an associate professor, she told the department chairman that she wouldn’t be able to work on Jewish holidays. No problem, he said, and suggested she …